Emotionally: director "Joker" shared pictures from the last day of filming


"Joker" became one of the brightest and memorable films last year. Confirmation of this was not only the main prize at the Venetian Film Festival, but also the Oscar Award, which the frontier of the title role of Hoachin Phoenix was awarded the other day.

Emotionally: director

Emotionally: director

However, this picture also became a sign for the director Todd Phillips, who proved that he knows how to shoot not only cash comedy, but is a master of serious and thoughtful cinema. Following the Phoenix victory at Oscar, Phillips on its page in Instagram laid out a series of heartfelt pictures from the final film crew. "Joker"

Emotionally: director

Emotionally: director

Emotionally: director

Emotionally: director

The director accompanied his post by this post:

All these photos were made during the last day of filming. Of course, we experienced mixed emotions: although it was great to feel that the work comes to an end, it was sharp and exceptional experiences - and suddenly everything was trying. This film became an amazing adventure, the culmination of which was the moment when Hoaquin last went on the platform. I want to once again say thanks to the whole acting and our filmmaker. And especially I want to thank the fans for increasing support and attention to our work.

Emotionally: director

Emotionally: director

Special attention is attracted to itself the very first photo on which Phoenix cordially hugs the Phillips. Also notable for the penultimate snapshot, on which the actor and director are already clearly relaxed after filming, but Phoenix, holding a cigarette in the mouth, is still concluded in handcuffs.

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