Stars about their complexes


But the owner of the most elegant in Hollywood Hair Jennifer Aniston did not share that universal enthusiasm: "This terrible haircut was not going. It was just a catastrophe. I still could not understand the phenomenon of love in this haircut!"

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Despite the fact that many men are crazy from the chubby lips of Angelina Jolie, and many women pour silicone into their lips in attempts to possess the same sensual mouth, the actress itself does not consider his full lips beautiful! On the contrary, in her opinion they are too disproportionate to face: "I know, many women would kill for my lips, but it seems to me that I just have for my face. So I visually soften their matte natural shades of lipstick."

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Vanessa Hudgens and Nicole Sherezinger consider their legs with ugly, call them powerful, like trees trunks.

Vanessa Hudgens: "In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a dancer, so in the past I was professionally danced. And when you dance every day, once you notice that your legs have become powerful as trunks of trees. I still study to love your legs."

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Nicole Sherezinger: "As if I wanted my legs to have a sleep. But I have a feet of the dancers, just powerful trunks, and unlike many I do not share the opinions that it is sexy."

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Mind Tourman generally not satisfied with himself: "Always felt uncomfortable: I'm too leaning, I have a big foot size, I also have bad coordination!"

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Jessica Alba and Kira Knightley, not delighted with her chest. Jessica Alba: "Having become Mom, my figure was not at all sexual changes. Cellulite appeared, the breast marked. Something corrected physical exercises, but you have to come to terms with the breast."

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Keira Knightley: "I would like to have female tits. It is the chest, and not breasting muscles like me."

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Britney Spears believes that she has giant fingers on their feet, she stated that, showing them to lead and spectators on The Tonight Show in 2003.

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Megan Fox is complexed due to short thumbs in her arms, considering it as deformity.

From an unsuccessful haircut, which later became a classic, to the complexes due to imaginary congenital short-useness, no matter how they wrap themselves, men go to these women crazy, other women themselves also admire or envy. They are successful, they are popular, they were recognized as beautiful and sexy many publications. For us, they are a dream, but for them themselves - no. But in this charm, because the stars are the same people.

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