Colleague Armor Hammer Timothy Shalam will play in the film about "Love Cannibals"


Actor Timothy Shalama and director of Luke Guadagnino, who worked on the picture "call me with their own", are planning to shoot the film Bones and All, dedicated to the Gun Cannibal, who will be based on the literary work of Camille de Angelis. In connection with the previous work and recent scandals, the network users remembered the armor of the Hammer, who, as they are sure, must necessarily participate in the project. Reacted to the news and his former spouse Elizabeth Chembers, who left a comment under the post about the film. "Not. Words, "wrote stunned chembers.

Novel writer tells the story of a girl looking for his father, whom she never saw. On the path of the heroine, it is trying to understand where an irresistible desire to kill and eat people who love her.

After the publication of this news, the network users immediately remembered the Armmer's armor, which has not disappeared from the news agenda for several weeks. The fact is that the network spread with correspondence with the mistresses of the actor, in one of which he called himself "100% cannibal" and shared fantasies in a similar key. According to Internet users, Guadagnino must invite the second star "Call me with your name" in the film.

Neither the director nor Hummer or Shalama has not yet responded to the comments of the network users.

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