Tom Holland and Timothy Shalama claim the title role in the movie "Wonka"


Earlier, film studio Warner Bros. Officially announced the date of the premiere of a new film about the adventures of Eccentric Willie Willi (the picture will be released on March 17, 2023), and now the Collider portal announced the first details of the casting: Tom Holland and Timothy Shalam are among the main challengers.

The creators hope to run the shooting process closer to the end of the spring, and the schedule of both performers while it allows. By this time, Holland will complete work in "Spider Man 3", and Shalam will have time to finish shooting in the Satire Adam McKew "Do not look up", and while its further plans are unknown. Given that the latter recently collaborated with Warner over the screening "Dune", it can be assumed that it has some advantage.

The project development has been underway for several years, and in 2018, producers were viewed on the main role of Ryan Gosling, Donald Glover and Ezer Miller, but the new ribbon will be a prefix and tell about the youth of the booty confectioner, who previously embodied on the screen of Jin Wilder ("Willy Wonka and Chocolate factory ") and Johnny Depp (film Tim Berton), so the bet is now being done exclusively on a bright young star. Miller under this format falls, but while he is busy "fantastic twars 3", and for April he has the beginning of Flash filming.

Staging "Wonki" will be engaged by the director "Adventures of Paddington" Paul King; The script wrote a co-author of the cartoon "Puzzle" Simon Rich. The process of David Himan is oversees - a permanent producer of franchise about Harry Potter.

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