PHOTO: 18 stars, mutilating themselves for the sake of role in the film


Charlize Teron in Monster

PHOTO: 18 stars, mutilating themselves for the sake of role in the film 70045_1

Find out one of the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood in the image of a killer prostitute will be difficult, even knowing about her participation in the film. For this role, Charlize recovered by almost 20 kg, lasted eyebrows, put on the lenses and allowed to spoil her hair. And not in vain, because thanks to this terrible transformation of the film academy awarded her golden statuette of the Oscar award.

Ryan Gosling in Valentine

The star "La La Land" rarely resorted to radical changes in appearance. Usually Ryan was limited to tattoos or modified hair color, but in Valentine, he went on. At the beginning of the plot, the audience appears the usual Hero in the execution of the actor, but along the ribbon, he is a bald, gets fat and turns into a stuck man of middle-aged. And the stateling passed all this way with his character.

Rene Zellweger in Bridget Jones Diary

It is impossible to say that Zellweger instigated himself for the beloved film of millions of women. In the role of Bridget Jones, she remained very attractive thanks to her charm, but the fact is a fact: the actress recovered by 15 kg. At the same step, Rene had to go to star in the sequel paintings, and then lose weight to the usual sizes. All of these sharp weight changes so exhausted the star that for the third part the creators decided to make bridgets slim.

Matthew McConauga in the Dallas Club of Buyers

To get an "Oscar" one acting game is not enough - you need to suffer. Matthew McConaja was convinced of this, which had to lose weight by 21 kg to reincarnate in a patient with AIDS Ron Woodruf. The actor admitted that such an extreme weight loss was for him the hardest test: "I lost three kilograms a week and became like a chick, screaming" feed me! ".

Cameron Diaz in "Be John Malkovich"

The debut role of Cameron Diaz was a rocky beauty of Tina in the film "Mask", but then she decided to try himself in an amplua. In 1999, the actress starred in the tape "Be John Malkovich," where I tried the image of an unpretentious wife of the chief hero. In order to become the exact opposite of itself in life, Cameron helped dark contact lenses, repainted curly hair and lack of makeup.

Brad Pitt in "12 monkeys"

Remember an attractive thief in "Telma and Louise" or a bold provocateur in the "Fight Club"? Forget. In Tape, Terry Gilliam Brad Pitt fulfilled the role of a mentally unbalanced defender of wildlife, in which there is no charm of Ji di or the dark charm of Tyler Deer. The hair end, a crazy look, squint and nervous facial expressions helped the actor to reliably embody on the screen of the inhabitant of a mental hospital.

Mariage Carey in "Treasure"

Sometimes in order to surprise the audience, it is not necessary to change the appearance, it is enough to ride makeup. In 2009, Hollywood diva dares to the role of a second plan in the film "Treasure". Make the Mariah like a tired office employee helped dark hair, bags under the eyes and barely noticeable mustache. It is worth recognizing, the victims were not in vain, because the painting was awarded the Oscar award, and many professional critics noted the singer itself.

Christian Bale in "Power"

For her career, Christian Bale managed to radically change weight and screen images several times. This year he was nominated for Oscar for the role of Dick Cheney, for whom the 45-year-old actor again scored the weight and swipped his hair. This is not the most shocking star transformation. In 2003, he lost 30 kg for the film "The driver", then gained volumetric muscle mass for Batman, again he was very thin for the sake of the "fighter", and then recovered again to participate in the "American Afer".

Nicole Kidman in "Clock"

Another famous transformation brought Nicole Kidman a statuette of the Golden Globe. Actress had not only to attach all strength and talents to eclipse Julianna Moore and Maryl Streep, but also to change the shape of the nose. The works of the makeup and the charm of the Kidman Her Gorbina became the highlight of the image of Virginia Wolfe and made it unforgettable.

Jared Leto in the Dallas Club Buyers

If someone can stand in dedication with Christian Bale, then this is Jared Summer. The actor joined Matthew McConaja and also sat down on a tough diet. However, in addition to this, he reincarnated in transvestite, putting a wig and heels, for which the film academic was awarded him "Oscar" in the category "The best male role of the second plan". Long before this film, the summer was extremely recovered for the sake of the murderer of John Lennon's killer in Chapter 27, and after painted her hair and used the lining on the teeth to find out the role of Joker.

Gwyneth Paltrow in "Love Evil"

Shakespeare's beloved once tried out the image of a 150 kilographer in the Farrelli Brothers Movie. According to the plot, the actress was supposed to appear immediately in two versions, so she did not have to gain overweight. Instead, the creators cost a special suit and makeup talents, which for three hours turned the star into the fatty.

Tom Cruise in "Soldiers Failures"

If someone doubted that the hero of militants had a sense of humor, let the "Soldiers of Failure" will look. The actor remembered the audience not only inadequate behavior of his character, but also his appearance. Makeleers tried to glory: hyperbolized the features of the cruise, "put on" an artificial ballast, false hair on his chest and thicker suit.

Emma Thompson in "my terrible nurse"

Recognize Emma Thompson in Nyan McChey - the task is not the lungs. And all thanks to the efforts of the makeup and costumes who dressed the actress into her costume, increased the eyebrow, inserted a false tooth, warts stuck on the face, and the sophisticated nose turned into a huge nose potato. What to say about the hairstyle, more like a crown nest.

Raif Fains in Harry Potter

The fans of Poterians waited on the screens of Lord Voldemort, so the creators had to approach the creation of his image with maximum thoroughness. I gave myself to the ruffle of the Grimers and computer graphics of Raif Fayns, who had to be carried out in the dressing room for two hours in a row, until a few maker transformed it from a simple mortal in a bald, warrant and terrible dark wizard.

Drew Barrymore in "Uncused"

Make the most unpopular girl in the classroom from the Romom star, it turned out not so difficult. Several unnecessary kilograms, negligent laying, braces and ready. This was exactly the journalist Josie Geller performed by Drew Barrymore, who turned out to be the will of the screenwriters under the school under cover.

Eddie Murphy in "Choknut Professor"

The famous comedian not only was transformed for this comedy, but also played several characters at once, namely seven. And for each of them, Murphy had to wear a thickening suit, special linings and tabs behind the cheeks, spending in the dressing room for several hours a day.

Tony Collett in Muriel Wedding

Initially, the creators of the film did not plan to take a recognized Hollywood beauty for the role of a provincial dreamer, but Tony Collett proved them, which is capable of diverse roles. She was not afraid to gain overweight and appear in front of the audience in the repulsive image. In the course of the film, she had to be discharged by kilograms for the sake of a classic happi-ep.

Tilda Suinton in the "Grand Budapest" hotel

Tildal Suinton was never afraid to radically change images, reincarnated from the mother's tired of the Androgan Angel, from the angel to the vampire, and from the vampire to the eerie old lady, with the death of which the plot of the film "Hotel Grand Budapest" begins. The actress spent in the dressing room for three hours, which were leaving to form it for dozens of years, to portray many wrinkles on the face, put on muddy lenses and hoisting a high gray wig on the head.

Bill Scarsgard in "It"

In 2017, the world conquered the screening of the novel of Stephen King "It". The audience was fascinated not only by the actors, but the film antagonist is the dancing clown Pennivez. And all thanks to the attractive Bill of Scarcard, who allowed to turn himself in a real monster. The actor had to wear inserted teeth, bright yellow lenses, overhead forehead, red hair and clown suit. Thanks to the innate ambiopia, Bill managed to make the image of Pennetviz simultaneously and touching, and frightening.

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