For nothing in the world: 10 stars, demonstratively refusing to work with each other

Reese Witherspoon and Vince Von

The relationship of this couple - workers, friendly, professional - were doomed from the very beginning, they are too different, and precisely because of this difference in everything, starting with characters and ending with the attitude towards life, Riz and Vince constantly conflicted on the set. Even the fact that they were filmed in Romom - "Four Christmas," did not help create a complacent mood on the set. Witherspoon also played a couple on the scenario, forced to visit all four divorced parents for the holidays - and the quarrels "on the scenario" only added to the hostility already formed. As a result, by the end of the shooting of Reese and Vince, they hated each other so much that Won refused to participate in press events to the film - and Witherspoon had to go to the promotional campaign in proud loneliness.

Martin Lawrence and Tisch Campbell

Even before becoming a star franchise "Bad Guys" and love the audience in Tandem with Will Smith, Martin Lawrence in the United States was known as the leading role in the comedy TV series "Martin" on the Fox Channel. Lawrence was not only the main star, but also a screenwriter and producer of the series, and Tisch Campbell played the main female role of Regina "Gina" Waters-Pain. On the screen Martin and Tische played a couple in love, in his life were good friends, then for some reason they decided that the service novel was a good idea, and then everything went wrong. After parting, Quish quickly found a new boyfriend and announced the engagement, and Martin, still in love with her, turned into a jealous maniac and did everything so that the shooting platform for silence would turn into hell. Campbell, in turn, filed on Martin to the court, accusing him in Harassment.

Jennifer Aniston and Leslie Mann

For nothing in the world: 10 stars, demonstratively refusing to work with each other 70057_1

Jennifer Aniston gives the impression of an ever-positive and friendly actress - this Renome was still in the era of "friends" and diligently supported by everyone. However, in Aniston, there is no relation to whom in Hollywood from the best - namely, with Leslie Mann, his wife Judda Apatou, although the wines here, rather, lies on Leslie. According to rumors, Judd Apatoo offered Jennifer a major role in the next film, where Elizabeth Banks was also to be held - but Aniston refused, because it was likely that Apatoou would include his spouse in Cast, and Leslie in Hollywood was known to work out and Just communicate with her if you are a woman, very difficult. As a result, Aniston Mudro reasoned to avoid a potential drama and the role of Apato refused.

Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett

We really feel sorry to destroy the perfect image of Jones Charming Indiana / Khan Solo, but in real life Harrison Ford is far from such a pleasant person as on the screen. The actor constantly conflicts with his colleagues in the shooting, producers and directors - at different times he managed to overstand it right with a record number of colleagues, from Shai LabaFa (this is, given the character of Shai, not yet difficult) to George Lucas and Ridley Scott.

He got into this list and Josh Hartnett, who, after filming, "Hollywood Kopakh" with Harrison Ford swore again never working with actor again. Hartnett about his conflict with Ford did not hesitate to speak publicly, recalling that in the interruptions between the doubles they could not talk for hours with each other.

Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds

When Wesley Snipes thanks to Blade was a star, and Ryan Reynolds still almost nobody, two actors had a chance to work together in the third part of Blade. Snipes and before that was known as a person with whom it is extremely difficult to work out, and Reynolds, who also affected Wesley's scandalous peaks, did not be silent. The star "Deadpool" later recalled that a very unpleasant atmosphere was reigned on the shooting of the third Blade - Snipes, depicting a division from himself, refused to talk to his colleagues, instead of the reproaching this business to his assistant, and personally Reynolds - Again, through the assistant - called offensive nicknames. Probably, it is not worth saying that after that Reynolds (and with him with a dozen actors) forever manage to work with Wesley Snipes, and time all put it in places: today Ryan is a star, and SNIPS because of its complex nature of the role in Hollywood no longer gets.

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