The show must continue: 7 films that continued to shoot after the death of actors


Many films - for example, not so long ago "Fast and out 7" or very fresh "Star Wars: the last Jedi" - proved to us that the level of technology development allows Hollywood to actually "resurrect the dead." "Death is not a reason for the absenteeism": it seems that this motto was guided by the producers of films, taking the decision to continue shooting even after the death of the lead actor.

"Fast and Furious 7", 2015

One of the most recent and most sophisticated examples is the seventh part of the racing-action franchise "Fast and Furious", which gathered at the box office of a billion dollars and entered the top 10 of the most cash films in the history of Hollywood. Record cash receipts are explained simply - most viewers poured into cinemas to see how the producers of the Furçaza were erupted to bypass the death of Paul Walker. The Fursaza star died in the midst of the film filming, but the production was decided not to turn - instead, the Scene of Walker was drawn with the help of two brothers, Caleb and Cody, and the "digital mask" with the face of the floor.

The ending of "Fast anda 7" devoted the memory of Paul Walker:

"Gladiator", 2000

One of the first in the new, 21st century "the resurrection of the dead" took up in 2000 "Gladiator" when, during the filming of the film, the British actor Oliver Reed was killed in it. To "get around" the death of one of the key actors, the creators of the film had to suspend the shooting and rewrite the script to remove as much scenes as possible with reed, without sacrificing the logic of the narration. As a result, the commencement of those scenes, where without Reda, it was still not to do, was carried out with a dubler and a "digital mask" with the face of the actor, and the operators worked with the light so that the shooting was carried out in the shade. Everything about everything I had to spend additionally somewhere 3 million dollars - but the amount, of course, paid off when, attracted by the tragedy, the audience rushed to the "gladiator" into cinemas and provided him with total fees in the amount of almost half a billion.

The video in which is shown how to create a "digital mask" was used previously shown for the "gladiator" scene with Reed:

"Imagonarium Dr. Parnassa", 2010

Another famous example of the maiden's "show should continue", which the Hollywood "Top" is increasingly guided. In 2010, Hollywood shocked the real tragedy - the star of the Dark Knight, Heit Ledger, died, barely had time to start shooting in his next project, "the imaging of Dr. Parnassa". The Ledger himself decided not to "resurrect", instead the script was rewritten - so as to explain why the appearance of the main character during the film is changing several times. It is not known how the film would be, if the Ledger did not have to "substitute" Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell, but in reality the result turned out to be sad - with a budget of $ 30 million "Imagisarium" earned only 61.

Video from the filming of "Imaginarium" and interview with the shooting group of memory Hit Ledger:

"Raven", 1994

Probably one of the first to truly loud cases when the death of the main actor has not changed anything, and the filming of the film was decided to continue. The cult "raven" lost his main star, Brandon Lee (son of that very, legendary Bruce Lee), when an accident occurred on the set - in a gun that was used during the shooting of the scene, turned out to be a plug, which flew out when sheltered idle and caused death wound an actor. Brandon Li, unfortunately, did not survive, but the producers of the film did not stop it - because at that time most of the scenes with the actor had already been filmed, the creators of the "crow" decided to simply hang a film using a dubler.

Fragment of the film:

"The game of death", 1978

Since we remembered Bruce Lee, it is worth remembering and the posthumous masterpiece - the "death game" finished shooting only 5 years after the death of the actor himself. Initially, the creators of the "death game" had an idea simply to take the right scenes using doubles / twins, but none of them, as it turned out, could not even be closed with Bruce Lee, the legend of martial arts, and in the frame all it looked extremely not convincing. As a result, the creators of the "Death Games" decided to radical measures - rewritten the scenario, bringing a plot stroke with the stage of the death of the main character, which thus tries to knock down their enemies. Interestingly, in the "death game" used as a result of quite real videos of the funeral Bruce Lee.

"Trail of Pink Panthers", 1982

Peter Sellers starred in several parts of the iconic comedy franchise as the club inspector and, when the actor died even before the shooting of the next part, the "track of the Pink Panthera", the film creators decided to give him a tribute and replacement not to search at all. As a result, fragments with a pickle of the previous parts were simply used for the filming of the "Trail of Pink Panther" - and this, of course, could not not stay unnoticed, because Sellers character during the film looks differently.

Peters Selllers in the role of the club in the film "Revenge of Pink Panthers" (1978)

"Return of Superman", 2006

Of course, the death of Marlon Brando could not stop shooting the next part of the superhero franchise, after all, he was not the only and not the main star of the film, and a variety of actors played superman in the history of the filmmixes. So, when the "Return of Superman" was needed to introduce the father of Superman, Jor-Ela, the creators of the film did not just borrowed the staff from the "Superman" of 1978, in which Marlon Brando Johlor Ela and played, but also did some more work Digital processing.

This is how it was done:

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