From Michael Douglas to Madonna: Top 10 record expensive star divorces


For us, "ordinary mortals", divorce - the event is always at least unpleasant and painful psychologically, and for celebrities - worse several times, since it is also very expensive. There are tens of millions of dollars on the broken-water process, legal costs and services of the relevant lawyers, and then by the court decision, the remnants of the state are "divided" with already former spouses. It is not surprising that lately the stars at all seem to have ceased to marry without the prior conclusion of the marriage contract.

Michael Douglas - 45 million dollars

From Michael Douglas to Madonna: Top 10 record expensive star divorces 70061_1

The star of the "Basic Instinct", the other day, received the Golden Globe for the series "Cominsky method", in one time divorced was separated, as it is called "low blood." Michael Douglas married Diandra in 1977 and lived with it as many as 23 years old (according to Hollywood standards in general, consider, a whole life), and after the divorce of the first wife, the actor got 45 million dollars. "I am very good to my first wife, but we had to finish this marriage of 8-10 years earlier," the Douglas himself confessed later in an interview with Mirror.

James Cameron - 50 million dollars

With the actress of Susy Amis, the cause of the collapse of his marriage, James Cameron met on the set of "Titanic". The director has lost his head so much that he changed his wife, Terminator Star Linde Hamilton, and decided to divorce to be with Susie. Made James this, however, already in 1999 (because in 1998 it was occupied by the calculation of Oscars for Titanic), paying the spouse of 50 million dollars. On Amis, the director in the end married, and they happily live together so far.

Madonna and Guy Richie - 76-92 million dollars

Although Guy Richie is primarily known as a talented director, owner of a unique and recognizable style, after a divorce with Madonna, he almost became known as the "state hunter". The fact is that it was Madonna who paid his ex-spouse several tens of millions of dollars following the results of the divorce, who ended their 8-year-old marriage. Yes, perhaps Guy Richie and Madonna from the very beginning were not the most exemplary pair, and the divorce was inevitable - but the director himself later described this marriage as an exceptionally positive experience. Probably, this is not surprising - if you consider that Richie made no less than $ 76 million from this marriage.

Kevin Costner and Cindy Silva - 80 million dollars

Kevin and Cindy became acquainted in 1975 and lived in marriage over 16 years; When it became known about their divorce, even the most jealous fans of the Costner were saddened - Kevin and Cindy were so beautiful and harmonious pair. Unfortunately, the tests of glory could not stand this marriage, and as a result, Cindy was $ 80 million richer.

Stephen Spielberg - 100 million dollars

Unlike most of the heroes of our list, the director Stephen Spielberg sowing his head in his marriage was not rushed and the marriage contract was still - that was just written on a napkin, which, of course, did not have any legal force. As a result, in 1985, after only 4 years of marriage, Stephen Spielberg divorced his wife, Amy Irving, paying 100 million dollars.

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren - 110 million dollars

The divorce is not so long and widely discussed in the media, the reason for which the treason has become - although many and wondered why Taiger Woods suddenly needed to change the beautiful wife model. As a result, 6 years of marriage cost an athlete in 110 million dollars and a public scandal.

Harrison Ford and Melissa Matsison - 118 million dollars

Harrison and Melissa met in the 80s, when Ford was not yet a star of a world scale, but Melissa was already a recognized professional in his business (it was its authorship that the Scenario "Alien" is Stephen Spielberg). The stars got married in 1989 and lived together 18 years old - and then decided to divorce. Since Harrison has no marriage contract with the future wife, after divorce Melissa became richer by 118 million dollars. Ford subsequently married the actress Kalist Flockhart.

Michael Jordan and Huanita Vanya - 168 million dollars

Michael and Huanita met in the restaurant in Chicago in the 80s - long before Jordan became a legend of basketball. Loved in love with 1989, Juanita was near, while Michael from the ordinary basketball player turned into a star, and in 2002, when the tests were behind and seemed to finally start enjoying life, everything was over parting. Michael and Juanita, however, tried to work on their marriage, but in 2006 it was still divorced, and Jordan, at that time I had already become the owner of an impressive state, paid an ex-spouse of $ 168 million.

Robert Johnson - 400 million dollars

American Media Magnate founded the Bet television channel designed for the African American audience in 1980 with the help of the wife of Sheil, who helped her businessman's husband from all his might from the very moment, as married him in 1969. As it often happens, in 2002, after 33 years of marriage, when it would seem, a billionatic state allows you to enjoy life and do nothing, the spouses divorced. The divorce came out almost a record expensive due to the fact that the state of Robert Johnson was just a gigantic (Bet he sold Viacom Corporation for $ 3 billion). Robert gave a former spouse of $ 400 million, and the most interesting thing is that Sheila eventually married that the judge himself, who "spread" them with Johnson.

Mel Gibson - $ 425 million

At the top of the list of record-dear divorces is Mel Gibson, who for a divorce with his wife Robin Gibson paid $ 425 million in 2011. Robin spent next to Chalk for more than 20 years - she supported Gibson even when he was not a well-known actor, and therefore, of course, she tried to "snatch" the husband as many million as possible, having learned that, becoming a star, chalk repeatedly changed her And contained a permanent mistress. Spouses were broken up in 2006, but for official design divorce they needed another 5 years.

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