The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones


Fans of the "Games of the Thrones" - people are not only very patient (how else to wait for the last season?), But also very creative and stubborn: from under the pen of the fans of Game of Thrones, so many intriguing and complex theories came out that even the sizes of the TV series sometimes Given. "Film Afisha" against the background of the expectations of the final season proposes to remember the top 5 of the most insane fan theories about the "Game of Thrones".

Caution, spoilers about 7 and previous seasons "Games of Thrones"!

Myneinette has drawn his death

It was hard to say goodbye to the charming Eidan Gillen, so that the theory was born as a response with fans that the Mysinette did not died at all from the hands of Aria at all. Petire, allegedly, once again demonstrated the commendable ability to survive, realized that his life was threatened, and left Winterfelle. Who was executed instead of the Mizinz, you ask? A very convenient comrade is a faultless, which, as you know, can take the appearance of any person.

The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones 70068_1

The authors of this fan theory as an argument lead the fact that the Mysinetse for all previous seasons "Games of Thrones" most often mentioned all others about faceless from Brava - except for Arya Yes Yakna Xgara, for obvious reasons.

A detailed description of the theory with a commendable extensive evidence base (which, however, does not make the theory less insane):

Sam actually the narrator in the "Game of Thrones"

Very funny and a bit surrealistic theory with the taste of madness argues that Samvell Tarli may somehow be a "narrator" of the whole story that unfolds in front of the audience in the "Game of Thrones". Well, for example, in the very end, when everything is designed, it can suddenly find out that this older Samvell retells the affairs of the long-lasting days, for example, in the book - in the style of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins from the Lord of the Rings.

The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones 70068_2

Sam is indeed one of the most educated and intelligent characters "Games of Thrones", which and so most of the time spends among books. And the authors of this fan theory recall that George R. Martin repeatedly signed in love for the "Lord of the Rings" and even hinted, which is going, following the thrillion of Tolkina's trilogy, to make the ending "Game of Thrones" ambiguous - and sad, and bright at the same time.

Westeros is actually a park of robots in the style of "Wild West World"

If you somehow still have not looked at the sensational "Wild West World" (Westworld), you need to know about this series that: Westworld is a science fiction HBO series, the action of which unfolds in the future, in the theme park, where guests Entertain Android. Robots simulate that Cowboys of the Wild West, then the samurai Edo era, in general, everything is for full immersion. And imagine what shock would be if it was suddenly it turned out that the whole "Game of Thrones" is the same Park a la "world of the Wild West", only in the scenery of the Middle Ages?

The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones 70068_3

Of course, the theory is absolutely insane and chances for the implementation of not having at all, two TV shows are just what the same channel produces them, HBO - but, you see, the authors of the theory showed an incomplete fantasy, inventing such a turn!

This is what one of the authors of the fan theory speaks about this:

Bran Stark - the reason for the madness of Eiris Targaryene, the builder of the wall, the king of the night - in short, the most important person in Westerosa

Time journey can be both an excellent storyline and a very convenient tool to which any inconsistencies can be written off, plot "holes" and other satellite troubles. Example is a whole scattering theories concerning Brana Stark. They have one thing: they all believe that Bran Stark uses the strength of the three-chapted crow, which allow him to move in time - and as a result, due to this, he is responsible for every important event in the history of Westeros.

The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones 70068_4

But let's in order. Suppose that Bran wants to take advantage of his strength to stop the king of the night. He goes into the past, in the era of the reign of Eiris Targaryire, and tries to convince the king to collect the army and eliminate white walkers before they turn into a large-scale threat. As a result, it leads only to the fact that Bran brings Eiris to madness.

Then the Bran is taking another attempt to eliminate the threat before it appears - he again goes into the past and helps to build a wall, falling into the legends as a mysterious Fireman. And finally, going even further into the past, to prevent the very creation of the king of the night, the Bran is as a result of them and becomes. Remember how Raven once said that he would never be able to walk, but would learn to fly? Well, so ram is now and flies - the king of the night on the dragon of the Vizerion.

Sersa and Tyrion agreed to do Gendry King, because he is Son Serne

The little finger survived, and Bran Stark became king of the night: the top 5 fan theories about the finals of the Games of the Thrones 70068_5

We left the very fresh theory in finally. Remember (of course, remember) "Military Council" of Tyrion and Serne for closed doors in the final of the 7th season? One of the fan theories claims that the comrades of Lannister agreed to make Gendri a new ruler of seven kingdoms. Why suddenly SERSEY decided to give the iron throne to someone else? Yes, because Jenri is her firstborn from Robert Baraton, the "black-haired son", whose death she told Catilin Stark in the second series "Games of Thrones".

Russian jutups Fan theory about Gengdri - Son Serne ruddy:

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