Lovers of the stars: who are famous women change their husbands and boyfriends

Britney Spears and Dancer

Lovers of the stars: who are famous women change their husbands and boyfriends 70077_1

At the beginning of Zero Britney Spears and Justin Tiberlake were probably the most popular couple in the American show business - gold-haired, taut, beautiful and young, they were an ideal star pair, and it seemed that the same ideal wedding was not far off. And then something went wrong, and Britney Spears decided to "expand the horizons" - due to intrigues with his dancer Wade Robson.

The result is known: Justin was so angry that he recorded the treasures of Britney Hit Cry Me A River (before that, of course, singer) and since then sometimes still remembers it in an interview - although since their rupture has already passed over 15 years . Yes, in the history of this gap, everything is not so simple, and there were rumors that Timberlake was not at all an innocent lamb, also changing Britney - but because Spears, unlike Justin, was not in a hurry to tell the dirty details about the ex-boyfriend, nobody Nothing knows.

Kristen Stewart and Director

Another sensational example of treason, and not so long ago - the loud gap of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, which for the "generation of" Twilight "" could well be new Britney and Justin (and even laid along almost the same way). In this case, however, the fact of treason was evident - and was confirmed by numerous photographs of the tabloid.

For what reason, Kristen decided to change his star boyfriend with the director of his film "Snow White and the Hunter", which, besides, was married - it is not clear, but when the photo came up, Kristen Stewart brought public apologies, and then they still broke up with Robert . In the course of the scandal, the victim of Pala and Career Rupert Sanders, who since then, has noticed anything else anymore (perhaps the failure "ghost in the armor" with Scarlett Johansson in 2017).

Heidi Klum and bodyguard

Heidi Klum was distinguished by an increased tendency to young men long before the public surprised the public with Tom Kaulitz (a musician for 16 years under supermodel). Still in marriage with a singer by Silom, which lasted 7 years, Heidi was fascinated by a guy younger than himself - and it was this intrigue that was the cause for a divorce, despite the three children of the stellar pair.

Heidi did not hide what was not hidden - only a few months later, she was publicly admitted that they fell in love with the bodyguard of their family and sake him decided to leave her husband. And the former husband allowed himself no less public comment: "He was very lucky, because he jumped above his head. But from Heidi, I did not expect this ... I was hoping that she would at least wait for us when we declare a divorce before spinning a novel with a servant. " Roman Klum with Martin Kirsten did not lead to Happi Ento and eventually ended with a gap.

Julia Odeoda and Hockey player

From foreign stars we turn to domestic - and how do you not remember one of the most high-profile star divorces 2010, the gap of Julia of the beginning and football player Evgeny Aldonin, which occurred due to the fault of the singer? The spouses were together for four years, together brought up daughter, and then Julia began to flew in the United States to record a new album, and was fascinated by his compatriot and another athlete - Hockey player Alexander Frolov.

Perhaps Yule and Sasha seemed to be that they were far from home they did not threaten publicity, but the paparazzi did not sleep - and the secret romance was betrayed by public, "draining" in the network. Already in the year of the beginning and Aldonin divorced, but also with Frolov Roman no good ended - in 2016, Julia and Alexander parted.

Ekaterina Klimova and musician

One of the most beautiful women of modern Russian cinema, Ekaterina Klimov never experienced a lack of male attention, but married a long time ago - in 2004, choosing a colleague, Igor Petrenko's actor.

It would seem that the spouses are cloudless happy - in 2007 they had a firstborn, in 2008 - the second child. That is why "fused" into the network video video, on which Klimov kisses with the novel archup, the ex-soloist of the Chelsea Group, for fans the actress turned out to be like a thunder among the clear sky. At the same time, Petrenko has forgiven the wrong spouse - however, after some time, the marriage still collapsed.

Jessica Simpson and singer

Only two years old marriage with nickname Jessica Simpson enough to get bored and tighten the secret intrigue under her husband's nose. Jessica in full swirled in every way to hide his hiking "left", her covered the faithful girlfriend, however, as it often happens, as a result, the truth still floated. Interestingly, Jessica cheated her husband with another singer, the leader of the group Maroon 5 Adam Levin, who today is an exemplary family man, husband and father.

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