From Zemfira to Oprah: 7 Chaldfrey Star, who decided not to start children


Despite the fact that the famous actresses, singers and TV hosts earn many times more than ordinary women, they also have to break between work and personal life. If one stars find time and strength to combine career with motherhood, then others fundamentally do not want to go to victims for the sake of family. We have created a selection of seven successful and talented representatives of foreign and domestic show business, which deliberately decided not to start children.

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From Zemfira to Oprah: 7 Chaldfrey Star, who decided not to start children 70078_1

I have a strange relationship with your children, well, Wow, a child, that is, I do not feel delight at the sight of children.

An eccentric 36-year-old singer to the questions about the family is laughing and says that divides the living space with the cat. Four years ago, the network flooded rumors about the pregnancy of Yolka, but instead of the birth of the baby followed a divorce with her husband Sergei Astakhov, with whom the artist met for ten years. Now the priority for the singer is music, but it promises that when the time comes to become a mother, the family will rise to the head of the corner.


Still, in the first place, as neither regrettable, music, on the second - sex, on the third - money.

In the life of 42-year-old singers, only one real love is music. Zemfira managed to show himself as a talented rock performer, composer, author and producer. She answered questions about creative plans in different ways, but the answer to the question of children was always the same: "No. I do not plan". His position of Zemfira explains the way of life, the character and burden to the harmful habits, because of which it is unlikely to give a child a good upbringing.

Cameron Diaz

Rise children - much more work and responsibility than just live by your life. For eighteen years every day I think not to have them. Such life seems easier for me, although this solution is not easy. I like to take care of people and defend them, but I never wanted to be a mother.

Only three years ago, Cameron Diaz first married a guitarist Benji Madden. Prior to that, in many interviews, the 46-year-old star of "Exchange Leave" said that he feels great, being not burdened by obligations. The actress adheres to the same opinion in the matter of children. Diaz still does not plan to become a mother, but perhaps in the future this position will change in the same way as her attitude towards marriage.

Famke Jansen

My sisters always dreamed of children, I didn't want them the only one. My family is important for me, my friends finally, my own life, but children ... I do not know.

The 54-year-old star taught and trained schoolchildren in the films "Faculty" and "X-People", but in real life neither mentor, nor the mother and did not. Her first marriage collapsed because of the work, which took all the time Jansen. The actress herself confessed that many sacrificed in order to become someone significant in their industry. Apparently, the children became another such victim, but, according to the Jansen itself, it is not disturbing it.

Milen Farmer

I do not need children. I am my favorite daughter myself.

The most famous French singer recently built an incredible career. And although the Farmer could talk about music forever, the family and personal life prefers not to spread. Over the years of publicity, she had few men, but for no one of them she did not marry. About children speech, especially no longer comes: 57-year-old singer rejects traditional views on the role of a woman in society and gives his art all.

Oprah Winfrey

I did not care about me in my childhood, and I myself do not know how to do this ... Once I needed to look after the 4-year-old child all day. I was so tired, and it was such a strong stress for me, I felt real happiness, only when the mother of the kid arrived. It was then that I decided to finally that I would not have children.

The richest TV presenter of the world will celebrate the 65th anniversary in the next January. For his life, she built a dizzying career, turning from a conventional ghetto resident in the most wealthy woman show business. Early years of her life were heavy: she lived in a disadvantaged area, got pregnant in 14 years and lost a child. After this tragedy, Opra never had children anymore, but said that the girls from her school created in Africa replaced her daughters.

Jacqueline Bisset

Of course, children are wonderful, but why regret what not to change?

She shone in the best film Francois Treuffo "American Night", played the beloved Napoleon Bonaparte and was a loved one for men. 74-year-old godmother Angelina Jolie at its age and did not have their own children. The question of journalists about the desire to become a mother, Biseset replies that she always had too little time for children. According to her, in her life too much space was held by the work and beloved men with whom there were always many problems.

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