"He did not eat human flesh": Insider denied accusations against the armor of the Hammer


The name of the armor's armor does not come down from the pages of tabloids for many weeks. The scandal associated with the love of the actor to cannibalism only continues to gain momentum. Recently, with an official statement on this topic, his representative, assuring that all gossip is reduced to an ordinary misunderstanding.

In the article for edition of the Variety, the representative noted that a 34-year-old actor only plays the role of Cannibal, but she allegedly has nothing to do with reality. "Anyone can say what he wants, and incite the madness at Instagram, Tiktok or Clubhouse," the source said.

Recall, one of the former girlfriends Hammer published a correspondence in which the actor recognized that he would like to eat her ribs and drink blood. And then a completely different girl told that he had already somehow killed the animal and ate his hot heart raw. Ex-spouse Armor Elizabeth Chembers After a few weeks of silence from the beginning of the scandal, also laid out the post in which he pointed out that he didn't know much about her husband.

However, sources closely familiar with the actor continue to confine that all this is nothing more than the game. In an example, they even lead perverted sex, which for most people is taboo, but they can discuss it, because it gives it pleasure.

"He never eaten human meat, he never drank blood, he never cut his finger on his leg, he never stored anyone in a cage. He did not do anything that there is in these insane messages. All this is not worth perceive literally, "assures the insider of the publication.

He added that on the future career of the artist, this scandal is unlikely to somehow affect. Hammer's agents in WME do not refuse him. Those who collaborate with the armor before, are confident that he can survive this scandal and go on. "This is not the end of the armor of the Hammer," the agency said a representative of the actor.

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