The former wife of the Hammer Armor is horrified by the scandalous details of his personal life


The hype Around the personal correspondence of the American actor, the armor of the Hammer, allegedly fused into the network of his former sexual partners, does not subside for several weeks. The authenticity of the messages has not been proven, and the artist himself denies the truthfulness of their content. Recall, in the screenshots of the BDSM-correspondence, the army tells about his cannibalist fantasies, imagining how to break their sexual partners, drinking their blood and eat flesh.

Actor's family suffers from this scandal. The former spouse of Hammer Elizabeth Chembers, with which he broke up in the middle of last summer, is trying to exhaust himself from what is happening and save from this joint children - a six-year-old daughter Harper and a three-year-old Ford's son. Close friends from Elizabeth who wished to remain anonymous, reported the media that now the former spouse actor is shocked by all what is happening.

"Elizabeth was horrified by what it turned out. Now she seems to live in a nightmare. She no longer recognizes the man for whom he once married, "insiders report. According to representatives from the CEMBER environment, she never knew about the existence of such correspondence, which refute other sources. Internet users have found a long-time Elizabeth, in which she regrets the existence of girls rewriting with her husband to intimate themes. According to some fans of the famous family, the former spouse Hammer regularly monitored the social networks of the beloved.

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