The familiar arm of Hammer confirmed the authenticity of the BDSM-Correspondence


Armor Hummer announced parting with his wife Elizabeth Chembers in July last year. The actor returned from the Cayman Islands, where he conducted a quarantine, separately from spouse and children. Elizabeth and the army decided to focus on the upbringing of their heirs - six-year-old Harper Grace and Three-Year Ford Douglas.

The familiar arm of Hammer confirmed the authenticity of the BDSM-Correspondence 70186_1

Just a few days before the fourth birthday of the son (he will take place on January 15) the army got into TWITTER trends, but not because of creative achievements, record fees or reunification with Elizabeth, whose name is present not only in their marital certificate, but also knocked out the tattoo Having around the nameless finger of the left hand of Hammer.

The reason for the network popularity of the actor in January 2021 is scandalous - the correspondence of the army has fallen into public access, containing empty details about its sexual preferences with elements of violence and even bloodshed. The Twitter administration promptly deleted the exposing post, many actor fans doubted his authenticity and pointed to the possibility of a scandal fabrication thanks to modern text processing capabilities, video and photos.

The familiar arm of Hammer confirmed the authenticity of the BDSM-Correspondence 70186_2

However, the familiar armor of Hammer, the writer Jessica Enriches, with whom he was noticed back in September 2020, immediately after the announcement of the divorce in his own Twitter account confirmed the authenticity of the BDSM-correspondence in the execution of the star "social networks". Hammer himself, as well as his official representatives, until they commented on the flared scandal.

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