Former wife, the Armor of Hammer celebrated the sixth anniversary of his daughter without him: video


The former spouse of the American actor Armor of Hammer, known for roles in the films "Social Network" and "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarfs", Elizabeth Chembers published snapshots and video from the birthday of their joint daughter, who passed on the Cayman Islands. The holiday was held at the horse's horse center. Jewelry was conquered everywhere in the form of horses, balloons and posters, and a horse was also depicted at the festive cake. Guests in the cowboy hats walked around the center, admiring on the local pets. On one of the pictures you can even watch the pen with goats. "The most memorable birthday of the most magical girl," Elizabeth signed his post.

At the celebration of the birthday of Harper, her father Hummer was not present. He had to fly to the islands, to pass quarantine, and then spend the weekends and holidays with his family, returning to Los Angeles together in mid-December. But the 34-year-old army was not forced to change the plans. He tried to fly several times to the islands, but because of the new Pandemic wave, his repeated attempts were not crowned with success. A couple declared about his divorce in July of this year when Hummer returned to Los Angeles last summer.

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