From Nastya Zadorozhnaya to Dicaprio: 10 stars, who were poisoned at school

Nastya Zadorozhnaya

Anastasia Zadorozhnaya today is known for the whole country as a talented young actress, but her career in the show business began with the musical team of "fidgets" - and, since children are often cruel, it was there Nastya first encountered injuries. And her the same future stars were traveled - Sergey Lazarev and Julia Volkov, the future star of the Tatu group. Young colleagues constantly launched Nastya, mocked her, gave her offensive nicknames of the type "Zadorog" or "constipation". Little Nastya did not know how to stop what was happening, and struggled to make himself to make up with her offenders, please themselves - what, unfortunately, only escalated the injury.

George Clooney

This is today George Clooney - one of the most famous actors of Hollywood, and in childhood, because of the specific illness, he was injured by the peers and received the nickname "Frankenstein". An insulting nickname classmates awarded Clooney after he suddenly paralyzed half of the face in high school - about a year, the future actor went with the "Poted" face, he did not open the left eye. Many later, George himself, recalling about this time, called him the worst in his life - but at the same time admitted that this school trauma ordered him and did psychologically much stronger.

Leonardo Dicaprio

And another famous Hollywood actor, Leo Dicaprio since childhood was charming and charismatic - but it did not save him from ridicule. Odnoklassniki envied Leo's success on the acting field - and, because because of them, he missed school and learned poorly, teased the future star "BRAKE".

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful and demanded women's planets, but in childhood, a specific appearance delivered to the future actress some disorders and problems. In High School, Julia was poisoned for ugly appearance, teased with a "frog" and other inspiring nicknames. But in the older school, Roberts called the offenders turned into one of the most popular girls in school - Pubertat created with the appearance of the future actress of miracles, and she did not have a penny from fans.

Sylvester Stallone

It would seem that the star of militants of the 80s and the sign of martial arts could well answer with his offenders purely physically, but at school the future actor still did not know how to stand up for himself - and was constantly subjected to injury. There was a partial paralysis of the boy's face, obtained due to the generic injury. This led to the fact that part of the face of Stallone was twisted, and he said with difficulty - and classmates aggravated the uncertainty of the boy in themselves, a teasing of his quasimodo.

Irina Shayk

Surprisingly, even the future supermodes from the etching at school are not insured - which, unfortunately, Irina Shayk checked on their own experience, the most successful Russian model of modernity (with all our respect for Natalia Vodyanova). In an interview, Irina admitted that at school she did not have fans - on the contrary, she was teased by the "stick" for high height and Sudobu, as well as the "Chunga-Changoy" for the dark skin and "thick" lips. It was this exotic appearance that as a result provided the shake of world fame and the relevance of the most famous fashion brands - so she felt herself the heroine of the saying about those who "laugh last."

Victoria Beckham

If you think that children wealthy parents can buy friends and high marks - and insured from any trouble, you are mistaken: Victoria Beckham, a daughter of very secured parents, I also got to school. It was teased so hard that little wiki preferred to go to school on foot, leaving Rolls Royce and giving a personal driver in a few blocks to school - but this, of course, did not deceive anyone.

Masha Malinovskaya

The future star MUZ-TV in childhood was also injured - classmates teased her "Municipal" and gave other offensive nicknames. In an effort to prove to former classmates, she is also worth something, Malinovskaya began to actively pierce his way into show-business - and succeeded.

Lady Gaga

One of the most successful singers of modernity, the winner of the Golden Globe award and, on forecasts, the future owner of the minimum of the Nomination for Oscar, Lady Gaga has achieved very much. Probably, none of the former classmates Stefani Jermanotte, who ridicked her for an eccentric style and were subjected to physical violence - somehow once in one of the interviews, without calling names, Lady Gaga remembered how older guys out of her school stuck Her in the garbage tank.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

The British Supermodel in childhood was subjected to ridicule because of appearance - today Rosie is a sample of the "model" appearance, and at school it was teased for large lips and flat chest, and it came out to physical threats, so rose annoyed a group of his classmates.

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