Woody Allen stated that Timothy Chalama publicly condemned him for the sake of victory at Oscar


Last Monday, the book of Memoirov Woody Allen called A Propos Nothing was published, in which the famous director talks about his life, starting from childhood, as well as about his saturated cinematic, theater and television career. At the same time, the author did not leave some of his colleagues, one of whom was Timothy Shalam, who played the main role in the last film by Allen's "Rainy Day in New York".

Woody Allen stated that Timothy Chalama publicly condemned him for the sake of victory at Oscar 70215_1

In connection with the sexy scandal around Harvey Weinstein and the influence of this resonant business on society as a whole, to Allen began to relate to hostility. The fact is that in 1992 the director was accused of the plant's crust of his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow, which was at that time seven years. At the end of 2017, Farrow reminded the public about this incident, after which many artists publicly condemned Allen, and Amazon refused to produce a rainy day in New York. As for Shalam, he also condemned Allen, and his fee for the film was listed at the expense of the organization to combat sexual violence.

Woody Allen stated that Timothy Chalama publicly condemned him for the sake of victory at Oscar 70215_2

In his fresh book, Allen, however, claims that the actions of the Shalme were dictated by non-nobility, but a koryasty: Thus, the young actor allegedly wanted to declare himself on the eve of the next Oscar:

All key actors of the "rainy day in New York" showed themselves excellent, I was pleased to work with them. Later, Timothy in the open declared that he regrets participation in my film, after which donated his fee to charity. But in a conversation with my sister, he argued that he took such a step to increase his chances of "Oscar" for the role in "call me with his own name." Together with his agent, he decided that the performance against me would give him an advantage.

At the same time, Allen noted separately that he was pleased with the work of a shalam on the set and does not regret cooperation with the actor.

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