Photo: 9 Russian stars, incredibly loyful with age


Eric Herceg.

The star of the "VIA Gra" group could not boast of the same attractiveness of the same attractiveness - overweight, thin vigorous eyebrows, typical "teenage" non-market makeup made it completely unlike the future star of the national pop.

Olga Kartunkova

A very vivid example of how "boost" overweight and dark hair color. On these photos, a stranger will not even guess that they are the same girl, and in the photo on the left of Olga only 33, and it seems that all 45.

Anita Tsoi

A truly wonderful transformation, which, with a proper desire, can achieve almost every woman: once Anita Tsoi was a conventional housewife, his wife and mother, who had given all his time a family and did not care about his own appearance (hence and logical 40 kg of excess weight ). But then Anita followed the most popular mantra "Love Himself" (which is starting to truly appreciate with age), started to eat right, said goodbye to overweight and turned into a completely different person!

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Another example of the fact that over the years it is worth experimenting with the color of the hair and pay attention to the brightest, since in some cases the dark hair is really very visually very much. Assumption's love in the photo on the right is 64 years old, and on the left - a photo of a ten-year old, and the result of comparison is obvious.

Polina Gagarin

Another story of an excellent transformation, something similar to the history of modern Cinderella: a few years ago, Polina Gagarina looked because of the excess weight and dark hair of the hair much older than his years, and then took up for himself, sat down on a diet, lost weight, looked and looked Straightly bloomed, becoming younger than the "past" version of yourself.

Svetlana Permicova

About the rapid slimming of the star "Interns" a few years ago, just a media, and fans of the actress dreamed of voting the cherished secret of losing weight - Svetlana really began to look almost like another person, radically changing the image and saying goodbye to extra kilograms.

Anfisa Chekhov

The owner of famous magnificent forms could not part with them for a long time (and many people know that when shelled and breasts are often "blown away"), but in the end, in many respects, it is due to weight loss (albeit not a radical, and natural and harmonious) now the TV presenter looks even Younger than 5 years ago.

Anna Mikhalkov

Photo on the left was made a few years ago, the photo on the right is fresh, and the comparison is clearly not in favor of the past, and after all, it was necessary to get rid of several extra kilograms!

Rosa Syabitova

The most famous Swash domestic television, Rosa Syabitova, surprised the public, radically transforming. Younger leading program "Let's get married" began to look due to not only tough discipline, but also more costly methods - rose, in particular, resorted to liposuction and increased the chest.

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