Nanny-Relieve Star Couples: what the famous husbands changed with their wives look like


Mind Tourman and Ethan Hawk

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The star "Kill Bill" is not frankly lucky in his personal life: at first she was having been married to Gary Oldman, divorced, and then married another actor - Itan Hawk, with whom he learned all the "charms" of the Women's husband, whose husband was caught on treason. In marriage, the minds and Itan were born two children, Maya and Levon, for whom the stars were hired by the nanny - and here he had changed his Hawk with her a stellar spouse. In 2003, just a year after the birth of the Son, Mind and Itan was naturally parted, and in 2005 lay a divorce. After 3 years, Ian married ex-nanny and in marriage with her two more children.

But the same nanny Ryan Shochyz, now the legal spouse ITANA:

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Gwen Stephanie and Gavin Rossdale

The story is not so long, the sensational and really sad: while Gwen cared for the newborn Apollo, the third son of the star couple, her husband, Gavin RosSdale, was leed for their nanny. The intrigue floated, the tabloids quickly found out that she lasted for several years, and in 2015 - after exactly 20 years of marriage - Gwen filed for a divorce. Since 2016, the singer is in a relationship with the musician Blake Shelton.

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Some type of RosSdale's type can be traced: on the left - Gwen, right - the very nanny-direction, Mindy Mann

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Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

Jennifer from Ben suffered a lot - and still his wife, and after a divorce. Not so long ago, the audience followed the rapidations of Bena-alcohol and how the former spouse - and not the next Passasya - took the actor into the reheab. And before that there was no less public scandal with Ben and Nanny Family, Christine Ouzunyan.

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Christine Ouzunyan, of course, no long ago, and Jennifer still remains in Ben's life.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

"Iron Arnie" did not just change his wife with a nanny, but also made a nanny of an extramarital child, and he was born almost simultaneously with another child of Schwarzenegger. In May 2011, after 25 years of marriage, Arnold and Maria broke up, and the reason became just an intrigue of the actor with a nanny, which in the amount worked on a star chet before that 20 years! Schwarzenegger himself later said that he didn't even suspect about paternity - and only 7-8 years after the birth of Joseph, the son of Nanny, "began to suspect something," when the boy began to become a copy of the star father. With Joseph Schwarzenegger communicates and financially supports.

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And here is the very nanny - Mildred Patricia Baen

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Jude Lowe and Sienna Miller

Before the novel with a strong Miller, Jud Lowe managed to become a father three times, so it is quite logical that he needed a nanny. And then Sienna found out that Judah Nanny was required not only in his main specialty.

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This is how the rainbits looks like - Deisions Wright. As Sienna, it was possible to exchange to the Coster-Wright - Do not ask us, we also do not know; Only mysterious Jude Law knows the answer to this question.

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Stephen Seagal and Kelly Lebok

At the time of the scandal with Nanny Stephen was married for the third time, on Kelly Lebok, who gave him three children. Seagal, probably, wade to his football team - and the fourth child made Nyan, who was called the same as one of the daughters of the actor, Arissa. With Nanny Sigal met for some time and even withdraw his new passion on the red paths.

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Nanny - Arisa Wulf with their joint savanna daughter

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Robin Williams and Valerie Varddy

The famous comedian 10 years was married to Valerie Veldi, and then changed her to the nanny - Marsha Garkez, which eventually married. With Marsh Robin lived 20 years, together they brought up two children.

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