Big difference: 10 stars that are literally not recognized after weight loss


Kate Winslet - 17 kg

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The star "Titanic" was always a girl in the body, which did not bother at all, but rather added to her charm. As well as many other actresses, Kate had to face an excess weight gained during pregnancy. She never loved the diet, from which the mood was spoiled, but the movie industry dictated their rules. In 2015, Kate appeared at the premiere of his film "Small chaos" and produced Big Furior. She told reporters that dropped 17 kg and all this thanks to her husband. "When you like you so much, the extra centimeters disappear for themselves," said the star.

Chloe Kardashian - 18 kg

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For a long time, Chloe was complexed due to its large forms that were especially striking against the background of other Cardhassian sisters. After parting with a former husband, Lamar, the star decisively took up his figure. Chloe needed only two months to get rid of 18 extra kilograms. She gladly began to pose for a photo, give interviews about its nutrition and classes, as well as participate in candid photo shoots. Even after the birth of Daughters, Tru Chloe quickly led themselves in order than not to get bragging on her page in Instagram.

Adele - 20 kg

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The richest British singer has never shone a slim figure. Excess Weight did not interfere with Adel perform hits, collect thousandth halls and sell millions of copies of music albums. The singer argued that she was satisfied with everything, but the birth of the Son pushed her to take care of her health. Adele quit smoking and went to her hated gym. Training gave the result, and in 2017 the star appeared before fans in an updated form. Adel lost 20 kg, showed a new haircut and married.

Aishvaria Paradise - 25 kg

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Some readers will be difficult to believe that Bollywood's star ever had an overweight. In the life of the most beautiful owner of the title of Miss World was the difficult period after the birth of the daughter in 2011. The actress has greatly recovered and caused outrage from the Indian spectators. Aishwaria did not go in the footsteps of Hollywood actresses and top models that were returned in the form in just a few months. For three years, the actress could not get rid of excess weight, but in 2014 she appeared on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival noticeably imprint. The star dropped 25 kg, returning itself to the former beauty and admiration of fans.

Chris Prett - 27 kg

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Throughout almost the entire acting career, Chris was a guy in the body and played comedy characters as Andy from the series "Parks and Recreation Areas" or Brett from the film "Father-Well done". A hundreds of more than kilograms of weight did not interfere with the actor to film, live in marriage Anne Faris and enjoy life. But everything changed when Marvel Studio offered him the role of Starl Lord, who gave him popularity all over the world. Chris had to sweat and reset 27 kg. Such a feat brought him not only the success among the spectators and new roles, but also allowed to change the role of a thick guy of the second plan on a steep main character, which is not terrible either cosmic pirates, nor dinosaurs, no robbers.

Melissa McCarthy - 34 kg

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The comedy actress made bulk forms with his business card, but at some point the health began to worry her more than fame. With the growth of 157 cm Melissa weighed more than a hundred kilograms. In 2015, she began preparing for the role in the remake of "Ghost Hunters", which demanded some physical training from it. The star cut carbohydrates, began to actively engage in kickboxing and soon dropped more than 30 kg. McCarthy's results were such impressive that various brands manufacturing rigging tablets began to advertise themselves to advertise themselves.

Cossert Ellie - 37 kg

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She is the heroine of our childhood, who conquered the audience by the role of Diana in the film "Two: I and my shadow." Kersta has always been inclined to complete and fought with extra kilograms, but in 2010 the situation came out from under control. The actress weighed more than 150 kg, which had a negative impact on her health and acting career. The star turned to the help of professionals and thanks to fitness and proper nutrition dropped 37 kg. At this feats were not over, and Kersta came to the project "Dancing with the stars", losing weight from the 52th size to the 46th. Now Actress is 67 years old, it is in great shape and intends to continue to star in big cinema.

Kristina Aguilera - 38 kg

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Popular singer for many years won the hearts of listeners not only by a strong voice, but also a seductive figure. However, motherhood and she was not easy to: Christina recovered almost unrecognizable. Since 2008, the singer with varying success fought for a slender figure and held a good result for several years. The divorce with her husband brought all her efforts, and she recovered on tens of kilograms. Only in 2017, Aguilera took himself in hand and went rid of 38 kg of excess weight for the year, after reaching the red walkways in the tight evening outfits.

Jennifer Hudson - 40 kg

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Kearry Bradshow's assistant for a short time remained in the shadow of a slender heroine and soon began to appear on large screens. After the birth of a child for Jennifer, a difficult period came, with the consequences of which had to fight with great difficulty. The actress recovered by almost 40 kg and received the nickname "Big Jennifer". The star applied for help from Weight Watchers, developing a slimming program. Under the leadership of the professional coach, Hudson managed to get rid of the excess weight and declare it in 2012 that her figure had reached the ideal.

John Hill - 50 kg

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Fans are accustomed to seeing a 34-year-old actor in the comedy roles of Pukhlyak, which only entertained the audience, but never became the main character of history. It was nominated for Oscar twice, and soon decided to change the lifestyle and appearance. John refused Fastfud and bad habits, normalized food and engaged in sports, dropping in the end no less than 50 kg. Fans and press were in the present shock from such a transformation. According to the actor himself, he achieved that age when anyone first must take care of his own health.

Bonus: Sarah Ryu, the star of the youth series "Klava, come on!"

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