Photo: How today the Russian singers out of two thousands

Sasha Zvereva

The end of the nineties and the beginning of the two thousandths is the "demo" group, it is a "sunshine in the hands" and "I love the bandit", as well as several more incendiary hits. From the career of the singer Sasha Zverev, in the end, almost refused, moved to Los Angeles, where today he is engaged in design and raises three children, regularly publishing new photos in Instagram.

Lena Katina and Julia Volkova

Well, of course, remembering the two thousandths, it is simply impossible not to remember the "tattoo" - Lena Katina and Julia Volkov exploded the dance floors and lit not only on the domestic stage, but also in the States (remember how they performed their "We will not catch up" on MTV Movie Awards 2003?)

Today, former colleagues together do not work together - Lena Katina moved from Russia to Los Angeles, still sings, but now solo, and at the same time he brings up his son. To Russia, Katina periodically gets, speaking here with concerts.

Julia Volkov remained in Russia, also acquired children and speaks with concerts, just learn the former Tatushka in this dumping lady, it becomes more and more complicated:

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Публикация от Julia Volkova | Юля Волкова (@official_juliavolkova)


It is difficult to believe, but Zemfira has already managed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the musical career, which began in 1998. Over the past couple of decades, Zemfira changed little, although, unfortunately, recently entertains the public with not new hits, but the scandalous comments in the media to other performers. His old and all the favorite songs of Zemfira still performs "live" at concerts, pleaseing fans by video players in Instagram:


Like Zemfira, Alsu this year boasts the 20th anniversary of the musical career - just imagine, the girl's career began in 1998, when she was only 15, and, of course, her hits "Winter Sleep" and "Sometimes" "Generation of Dweader" remembers Alive still. Over the past two decades, Alsa looked and bloomed, but fortunately, remained absolutely recognizable; The singer did not abandon the musical career, but prefers more time to give family. Someone can say that even to sing Alsu over the years has become better:

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С Праздником, Россия????! Этот день в истории нашей страны – ещё одно напоминание всем нам о том, что мы непобедимы, если мы едины! Независимо от национальности, вероисповедания и традиций, мы – единый народ с общей историей, и всех нас объединяет наша великая страна???? Сегодня особенно хочется пожелать всем нам больше мудрости, уважения друг к другу, мирного неба над головой и мира в душе???? С Днём народного единства!????

Публикация от ALSOU (@alsou_a)

Eva Polna

"Guests from the future" still exist, albeit and exploit the popularity of the beginning of the two thousandths instead of recording new hits - Eva and Yuri still toured with concerts in Russia and post-Soviet space. Unfortunately, this is good news and end up - the time has affected the appearance of Eve, not the best way, and today it is not so easy to find out a seductive blonde:

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Профессионального обожания пост✌?? То как ты себя слышишь на сцене- это самое важное для вокалиста во время концерта. От этого напрямую зависит и качество голоса и здоровье голосового аппарата. До сегодняшнего момента мои отношения с ушными мониторами складывались неудачно. Мы друг друга прямо скажем недолюбливали. Но настоящие спецы из @doctorheadru помогли мне найти настоящую любовь! Мегакрутые мониторы Roxanne! Это настоящая роскошь и чудо техники!! Целый аудиокомплекс у тебя в ушах!! А уж то что они специально сделаны в моих любимых цветах - отдельная радость! Друзья спасибо за профессиональную помощь и любовь к артистам!! #drhead#Doctorhead#headphones#sound#наушники#jhaudio#jhaudioroxanne#евапольна

Публикация от ЕВА ПОЛЬНА (@polnaeva_official)

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