Kim Kattroll against the continuation of "sex in the big city" after mass criticism


Kim Kattroll still adheres to decisions about the refusal of filming in any sequel "Sex in the Big City", since it collided with "suffering" against the background of the negative reaction of network users. By the way, a 64-year-old actress played a popular character Samantha Jones in the series and two subsequent films, but refused to work in a tricvel because of public hostility with a 55-year-old Sarah Jessica Parker, the executor of the leading role.

In a new interview with Women's Prize for Fiction Podcast, Kattroll said that she would not wait for her forever from the cult project and "tell other stories."

"I remember how much grieved in social networks because I did not want to be filmed in the film. And it was amazing. I was lucky that I have a choice, "I remembered the actress stress in the past because of the disapproval of the Haters, requiring it to participate in the tape.

Its interviews appeared immediately after the edition of the Page Six reported that HBO MAX is considering the possibility of release of a new series "Sex in the Big City", but this time without Cattroll. It is expected that Parker will return there, as well as other leading actresses: 55-year-old Christine Davis, playing Charlotte, and 54-year-old Cynthia Nixon, embodied by Miranda on the screen.

Experts believe that the lack of Kattroll should not be surprised because she said several times that was no longer interested in returning to the franchise.

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