Kim Kattroll commented on the conflict with Saraz Jessica Parker: "I don't regret anything"


Kim Cattroll and Sarah Jessica Parker, who played close friends in the series "Sex in the Big City", were not so friendly in life. The situation was glowed when Kattroll refused to be filmed in the third part of the film, which is a continuation of the series, and her colleagues, in particular Parker, said that she thus disrupted shooting.

The exact reason why Kim refused to participate in the project, unknown. It was rumored that she was not satisfied with the fee and she asked to increase it until Sarah's fee. At the same time, according to the producer of the show, Parker played the main character and in many respects "pulled the series", and Kim at that time was not at the peak of his career.

Kim Kattroll commented on the conflict with Saraz Jessica Parker:

According to Kim, after her refusal, the creators of the series and the audience staged her real injury.

I do not understand why they could not just replace me with another actress, instead of spending energy on bullying?

- Noted Kim in an interview.

Interestingly, she does not hide her hostility to Parker. In 2017, Kattroll said that he was never a girlfriend of Sarah, and called the relationship with her toxic. And in a recent interview with Los Angeles Times Kim confirmed this and said that he did not regret anything.

In Google, everything is there, you can google and find out what I talked about Sarah. Then I felt so, and now, when I look at it, I don't regret anything

- Shared actress. At the same time, Parker tried to settle relations with a bold colleague. In 2018, when the brother died in Kim, she expressed her condolences on the web, but Kim replied that "he does not need her support."

Kim Kattroll commented on the conflict with Saraz Jessica Parker:

In addition, Sarah, unlike Kim, does not recognize that an enheament between them. In 2018, she said in an interview:

I want to remind everyone that there is no enmity between us. I always appreciated her work and never said rustic in her address. I do not want us to be remembered as two actresses who have enjoyed during filming, simply because there was no such thing.

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