"I won": Antonio Banderas cured coronavirus


Two weeks ago, Antonio Banderas reported that he was infected with coronavirus - and he received the results of the test in his 60th birthday. And yesterday the actor said that he recovered.

"After 21 days of disciplinary conclusion, I can say that today I overcame COVID-19. I cured. Mentally I appeal to those who were not lucky as I, and to those who suffered more than me. And I wish you a biggest forces to those who are still struggling with the disease, "wrote Antonio in his Twitter and accompanied the message to the fun collage, on which he beats from his legs to coronavirus.

The actor did not describe in detail the course of the disease, but in his first post, when he received the result of the test, Banderas wrote: "I feel relatively well, just a little more tired than usual. I am sure that I recover as soon as possible, fulfilling all the medical instructions, which, as I hope, will allow me to overcome the infectious process. On self-insulation, I will read, write, rest, plan business to make my 60th anniversary more meaningful. "

The actor fans are very happy with his recovery and congratulate him on the victory. And some particularly alert users advise Antonio "Do not relax" and further comply with all security measures, because "the virus can return."

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