"Does not eat anything": Fedoseeva-Shukshin is starving due to divorce with Alibasov


Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin is amazed by the decision of Bari Alibasov to deliver. The actress refuses food due to severe stress.

The new round of the scandal around the real estate Lidia Nikolaevna is drove the actress in shock. Fedoseeva-Shukshin was amazed by the news that Bary appealed to terminate their marriage. She herself was not ready to part with her husband and insisted at a personal meeting to "look into his eyes." But after discharge from the psychiatric clinic, Alibasov first went to court.

Celebrity lawyer Julia Verbickskaya reported that the news about the act of Alibasov became a real shock for Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The producer itself is determined and stated that his wife as if he was crazy under the pressure of the younger daughter Olga.

"Lydia Nikolaevna disappeted appetite. It does not eat anything at all, it worries. From Bari, she, of course, did not expect this. Olga's daughter is worried about mom, trying to surround it with maximum care and attention. I hope, together they will cope, "the sources told surrounded by the interlocutor's artist.

The scandalous story in the Schukshin family began with the signing of the gift to Bari, from which Lidia Nikolaevna refused later. She stated that he did not understand what papers signed, and asked her husband to return her allegedly presented apartment. Alibasov said that the real estate was transferred to his assistant to reduce taxes.

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