"Criticizes almost everyone": Podhoghin called the cord "Parrot with a grenade" after a quarrel with a cloust


Star producer Joseph Prigogin got into a rewinding between Sergey Shornov and Vasily Vakulento, putting on the side of Rapper.

The reason for the "verbal shootout" was the Basta Concert in the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg, after which Raper was accused of all grave due to non-compliance with the spectators of the social distance in the midst of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Prigogin did not fail to note that before starting to pull the bat with his offensive rhymes, the cord was clinging and the most configured, and to him - many famous people.

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"The cords are like a parrot with a grenade, it doesn't matter who to cling. You see - cords catches Haip. This is if the artist, whether the politician criticizes almost everyone. As for the attitudes on the Bast - I am not familiar with this artist, but I want to stand up for him, "the" Exchange of courtesies "occurred between the cord and the Bass Federal news agency commented on the Prigogin. He also expressed confidence that Haters simply envy the artist who was able to assemble the hall at a time when the audience and artists were very missed each other due to coronavirus restrictions and cancel concerts.

"Thanks to this concert, a significant number of people (in addition to the Bad) earned at least a couple of kopecks. It is starry artists that provide an income of a huge number of families, "the producer noted and the financial side of the issue, not forgetting to prick the cord. "When the cords talk about poor teachers and doctors, I think he will assign a blow from himself. But he today is the richest musician in Russia. But is he pure, how is trying to put himself in the eyes of the people? " - says Prigogin.

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Also, finally, he noticed: "If Joseph Davydovich Kobzon were alive, the cords would receive from him, sorry, Lulley on the most tomatoes, rather rigidly. Because Joseph Davydovich would not stem colleagues, would not laugh at them, but, on the contrary, would advocate the defender of the industry. The cords in relation to colleagues behave absolutely villain. He sets people against artists. "

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