Ben Barnes asked for the role of Flynna Raider in the remake of Rapunzel


There is no official information that Disney is going to shoot a feature film about Rapunzel. But the discussion of the upcoming film is already in might and main. On February 16, the fan in Twitter published a post, where he compared the photo of Ben Barnes and the portrait of the Raider Flynna from Rapunzel: Tangled History to show their similarity. The actor retained tweet, adding a comment:

I would be so happy to this, disneystudios.

Prior to this, it was reported that the role of Rapunzel would like to play giving Cameron ("Heirs", "Liv and Maddy"). She also reacted to the post in social networks. When one of the users wrote: "If Disney does not call Rapunzel to the Cameron, then I will arrange your hysteria," the actress left a comment:

So do I.

Публикация от DOVE (@dovecameron)

If Disney will really decide to remove the feature film based on the multiplication, then it will be much more difficult to find actors for the rest of the main roles - Chameleon Pascal and the horse Maximus. However, the DisinSider portal suggests that the upcoming film can be based on the original fairy tale of the Grimm brothers and is not connected with the "confusing history". In this case, the chances of Barnes get a role to decline, because the Grimm brothers instead of a charming Flynna fraudster in a fairy tale with Rapunzel gets acquainted.

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