Tatiana Navka commented on the rounded belly in the photo


Last weekend Tatiana Navka, together with her husband and daughter, visited the Crimea. The star family visited one of the brightest sights of the Peninsula - the medieval fortress city of Eski-Kermen. The territory of this ancient city is part of the Bakhchisarai historical and cultural reserve and one of the most visited cave cities of the Crimea. Olympic champion posted family photos from the ruins of the ancient city.

At one of the pictures, attentive fans noticed the rounded stars tummy, which gave reason to assume that the spouse of Dmitry Peskov is again waiting for the child. The fans began to congratulate the 45-year-old star with a possible addition in the family, but the figure skater upset subscribers. "Soon there will be Lyalya or seemed?" - Users asked. "It seemed! Under the jacket bag, not what you thought. Unfortunately, "Tatiana responded strongly. Recall, Navka and Peskov will grow up a six-year-old daughter Nadezhda, also athletes have an adult daughter Alexander from marriage with Figist Alexander Zhulin.

This is not the first time when Tatyana is suspected of an interesting position. Over the summer of last year, after the metropolitan parade, in honor of the Victory Day, Internet users noticed in one of the photos the increased belly of Navka. The network began to discuss this news, and the athlete soon laid out another ambiguous photo into the profile. However, after some time, the star did not more intrigue his subscribers and laid out another frame in tight clothes, on which it was clearly seen that Tatiana was not pregnant.

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