"I was looking for my circus and found it": Tilde Suinton openly called himself Quir


Tilda Suinton for many remains a very mysterious actress. In many respects, its ambiguous appearance contributes to it. Recently, the celebrity gave a frank interview with the British magazine Vogue, where he told about his gender identity.

According to Suinton, it has always been hard to associate himself with some one specific floor. In general, the owner of Oscar considers himself to be Kvirov, which means the inconsistency of its heterosexual or cissaged identity.

"I always felt Kvirom. I just looked for some kind of Circus Quirov and found it. It is absolutely clear to me that Quir in my case is associated with sensitivity, "the actress said.

Recall, Tilda more than once had to play heroes, whose gender is also ambiguous. So, in the 90s, she took part in the filming of the film "Orlando", in which her character first is young men, and then turns out to be a girl. In Konstantin, Suinton played the most punishable angel of Gabriel at all.

"I can't say with confidence that I ever felt like a girl. For a long time I looked like a guy, but everything changes. I like that you can walk through the stretched rope of sexual and gender identity, "said Tilda Suinton.

Despite the fact that with gender identity, the actress cannot finally decide, for 16 years she lives with the artist Sandro Koppom. In addition, the celebrity has two adult children born in the first relationship with the playwright John Patrick Birn.

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