Rachetova hinted on the infidelity of Timati: "Fabikov settle down?"


The leading show "You're Top Model" on the TV channel "TNT" Anastasia Rtyttov in the fall last year broke up with his beloved, musician Timati. The relationship of this couple continued for more than six years, but did not end the wedding, even despite the birth of the heir, whom Rapper called Ratmir.

Recently, a 25-year-old model decided to communicate with his fans and allowed them to ask her questions on any topic. Of course, one of the most burning was the topic of the personal life of the residue. Subscribers asked her opinion about whether people could change. "Even the happiest women are cooled?" - Forked Folloviers. It turns out that the model thought yes, but in fact no - women workers do not settle.

Network users immediately suggested that Diattov hinted at such a response to the relationship with the former beloved. After all, after parting, neither she, nor Timati as a result, did not say that he served as a reason for the breaking of this beautiful pair. In addition, it is known that before the meeting with Anastasia, the solid performer led a very stormy life, often changing girls.

Recall, after parting, former lovers were able to preserve the warm relationship for the sake of the one-year-old son Ratmir. Anastasia Ryttov and Timati even rested together in Dubai during the New Year holidays. True, at that moment the rapper took part in the filming of the Show "Bachelor", where he was looking for a new lady of the heart.

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