10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after "Avengers 4"


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10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

Chris Evans is not the only actor associated with Marvel with a perennial contract (and secretly, or not too secretly, dreaming of these shacks to get rid of). For many talented actors and directors working on Marvel, such a tight schedule that the time for other projects simply does not remain.

Just imagine how interesting, original (and most importantly, not related to superhero) would have expected us if the film MCU closed, and the Rousseau brothers ("First Avenger: confrontation"), James Gann ("Guardians" ), Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and others would have the opportunity to shoot another movie.

Everything is confused

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

In the "Avengers: The War of Infinity" of the audience is waiting for a test for attentiveness - in battle scenes will have to somehow keep track of tens of other superheroes, which will comply with the battle with Tanos (Scarlett Johansson in one of these scenes counted over 60 characters).

And when the Marvel will finally appear from the comic scrolls that can take the appearance of any person - try to distinguish your favorite heroes from villains and not confused at the same time.

Quality, not quantity

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

For almost 10 years, the existence of the film MCU Marvel is managed (almost) not to reduce the quality bar, but everything ever comes to the end - and, by releasing 3-4 superhero blockbusters per year, maintain high quality is purely theoretically very difficult. Bright examples? Iron Man 2, Tor 2 and a few more "passing" films.

Stan is also not eternal

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

A sufficiently blasphemy argument in favor of the need to close the film model, but, nevertheless, also an argument - in the end, Stan himself somehow joked that it was thanks to his cameo films Marvel become such successful at the box office. Stan, who in every MARVEL film pleases the audience a small, but memorable cameo, approaching a century-old line (the legendary comic book is already 94 years old) - and it would be very cool if Marvel stopped if it could still appear in Kameo.

Obvious similarity

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

One of the distinctive features of the film dealer is a similar style and tone of the stories, but this medal has a reverse side - sooner or later all films become similar to another. And in the end, even the most loyal Fans Marvel hardly want to spend money on a cinema ticket, where they show the same stories, albeit with different persons of heroes.

Save Hollywood

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

Today, every major film studio has a film-depleted, "multi-metering" franchise or, at a thin end, some rolling trilogy - and in many ways, MCU contributed to all this. Perhaps, if the film marvel does not become, and the rest of the studios will stop thinking in the format "Run a film, check the market and start the franchise in the shocky times"? Then and only then from the original, knocking out of this trend of films - it is worth remembering at least a new "explosive blonde" or "baby on the drive" - ​​a full-fledged chance will appear to conquer its viewer and share at the box office.

Too much marvel

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

This summer, the notorious song Despacito was informed literally from each iron, and the news about all new MARVEL projects from each screen. Several new TV shows ("Defenders", "Supervali", "punisher"), the line of superhero blockbusters, the next trilogy about a spider man and, in addition, also some kind of incomprehensible separate kinned-dealed marvel comics, which is using Vomot / Tom Hardy will try to run Sony Pictures. Marvel objectively became too much.

"Avengers 4" could be the perfect final

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

20 with extensive films for 10 years summed us by this moment - the grandiose battle of the Avengers with Tanos and its consequences. Why not make "Avengers 4", in which they will show the consequences of the "war of infinity", a beautiful and logical epilogue of the whole story stretching for 10 years - and on this with a kinased MCU to say goodbye?

And at the same time, imagine the scale of the fan hysteria, if Marvel suddenly announced that "Avengers 4" will become the last film of the film-depleted - the record at the cash collecting guaranteed would be guaranteed to be established for a couple of decades.

Fans may not evaluate new actors

10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

While Casting Marvel can be taught in film seller as a reference - it is impossible to imagine a film-free without Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Chris Evans in the role of Captain America or Chris Hemsworth in the role of Torah. All marvel stars - in their places and perfectly fit into the cast right up to the newcomer Tom Holland (Spiderman). However, there are not far from the mountains when Marvel has to look for new actors after the departure of Dauni Jr. and Evans - and there is a risk that the newcomers MCU fans will not appreciate. After all, how, with the help of what actors you can surpass this casting?


10 reasons why you need to close the film Marvel after

We will be honest: in a few decades of existence of comic books about superheroes Marvel and DC, these most superheroes are already ordered. And the case does not help the fact that the number of superhero films is increasing every year (in 2019 they will generally go out almost every month). Avengers, people of X, justice league, unattended while Sony superheroes - in all the parameters of these characters (and stories about them, often alone on another) too much, and very soon, even the most loyal viewers will start tired of them.

Get out at the peak, Marvel.

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