The director "Logan" called superhero blockbusters "Inflatable two-hour trailers"


"Blockbusters in general ... that are not even films. These are bloated two-hour trailers for the next film, tickets for which the audience will try to sell in two years. They have so many characters that every hero at best receives six and a half minutes of screen time - and I do not exaggerate. The duration of the film is 120 minutes, 45 of them goes to the action scene, we divide the residue on six heroes - and here we have a storyline of some Elmer Fadda from Warner Brothers cartoons. I think this formula is empty. "

It is obvious that, first of all, Mangold was held on the "ensemble" superhero blockbusters, the creators of which really have to balance the set of characters on the screen. In this sense, the Avengers will be recorded records: war of infinity, "where directors will somehow fit into two-hour acts over two dozen key characters.

However, according to Mangold, not all blockbusters are indeed no more than "two-hour trailers" - as examples of truly good films, the director "Logan" called the Iron Man and the "Guardians of the Galaxy".

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