Joss Udon's former wife accused the Avengers director in the treasures and hypocrisy


Joss Odon and Kai Cole got married in 1995 and broke up in 2012, and officially issued a divorce in July 2016. Now, a year after the divorce, the ex-wife of the director decided to tell about him the whole truth and in the column for edition The Wrap revealed many imparting details about Uyon - for example, the fact that the director has constantly changed it, and the treason began on the shooting of the series "Buffy", the creator of whom Odon spoke.

"I want women to know - he is not at all who pretends. I want all the same people who are home to find out that he is in fact for a person, and all the organizations that gave him awards for feminist activities, in the future they thought twice before rewarding a person who himself did not What promotes ", the Cole publication says.

Representatives of Joss Odon on publication have already reacted and in the statement The Wrap noted that the director himself is not going to comment on anything - from respect for the former spouse and from concern about their two children.

There is a certain probability that now, in connection with the public scandal, Warner Bros. It may reconsider the role of Joss Odon in the development of a film dealer DCEU, since the spots on the director's image can affect the perception of his films of the audience. Recall that so at one time it turned out with the "Snow White and Hunter" after the scandal with director Rupert Sanders and actress Kristen Stewart.

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