To the 30th anniversary of "dirty dances": 10 of the most interesting facts about the cult melodrama


Writer and producer of "dirty dance" Elinor Bergstin wrote a scenario of musical melodrama, based on their own experience. She also grew in Brooklyn in the family of Dr. Jew, she had a sister named Francis (real name Baby in the film), Elinor also spent the summer holidays in the family boarding houses Katskills in the early 60s. Like the main character, Bergistin worked as an instructor of dancing.

To the 30th anniversary of

Patrick Swayze was the first and only candidate for the role of Johnny: "When Patrick flew in New York on the samples and I met him at the airport, I immediately said to him:" When I wrote a script, I didn't even know about your existence, but if You will refuse role, it will be very difficult for me to submit someone else in this role, "Bergstin told in an interview e! News

To the 30th anniversary of

Baby Sami Elinor Bergstin initially imagined himself at all - in her imagination, the main heroine looked a fragile thin girl with dark crispy hair. But when 27-year-old Jennifer Gray came to the casting, Bergistin realized that it was this actress that was perfect on a major role. Jennifer, by the way, have dance "roots", which helped her to cope with listening: Father actresses - the owner of Oscar for the role in the Kabar's cult with Lisa Minelly, actor Joel Gray.

To the 30th anniversary of

Casting on other roles in "dirty dance" was much more difficult. So, Kelly Bishop got the role of Mom's main character, Mrs. Houseman, quite by chance. Initially, Lynn Lipton was departed, which even started shooting, but was forced to leave the film due to illness. Bishop, which was invited to the film for the role of aging secular beauty Vivian Pressman, replaced the left Lipton, and the role of Vivian took over the assistant choreographer - Miranda Harrison. As a result, this chain of events and the success of "dirty dances" led to the fact that Kelly Bishop had a great career - for many years she starred in Gilmorah girls in the role of Mother Heroine Lauren Graham.

To the 30th anniversary of

The shooting of "dirty dances", the action in which unfolds at one of the resorts in New York, in fact, was held in the south - in the states of North Carolina (on Lur Lur) and Virginia (on Lake Mountain-Lake). Hotel on Lake Mountain Lake and today invites guests to special thematic tours of the weekend dedicated to the "dirty dance".

According to the choreographer "dirty dancing" Kenny Ortega, who later put the series "Cool Musical", the shooting was extremely heavy. For example, during the scene with the "support" in the lake, which the main characters work, Patrick Swayze was standing on a submarine platform built by the film crew, and Ortega himself was forced to wear a diving suit and keep the legs of the actor so that it would not slip from the platform.

To the 30th anniversary of

Particularly hard on the set of this famous scene, Jennifer Gray had to go to the hospital after filming the scene of the actress, after all, the shooting took place in the fall, the lake water was ice, and Jennifer had to be filmed in a thin t-shirt.

For most fans of "dirty dancing", Gray, which has already been 57 years old, and Swayze, who died from cancer in 2009, will always be Baby and Johnny - but in fact these heroes have many other "incarnations". In 1988, Kenny Ortega removed a long-lived series "Dirty Dancing" with Patrick Cassidy and Meloroi Hardin, and not so long ago, ABC released a remake, inviting Baby's role and Johnny Abigail Breslin and Colt Pratts.

To the 30th anniversary of

Elinor Bergstin did not accept participation in the creation of telemes of "dirty dances", but in 2004 he wrote a script for a live show, which since then could see the audience on 4 continents in 20 different countries.

The remake of "dirty dances" from ABC from Ebigeyl and Colt in the lead roles received a very controversial ending: in it, Johnny and Baby over the years broke up. Elinor Bergistin, this remake looked, but noted that "this is not the story that I would tell."

To the 30th anniversary of

Test shows of "dirty dances" before the official premiere of the film in cinemas were a disaster: the distributor of the film Vestron was even going to send it immediately to video tapes and not to show in cinemas at all. Producer Aaron Rousseau was so convinced in the inevitable collapse of "dirty dances" at the box office, which, by rumors, said: "burn the film and earn on insurance." However, with a budget of 5 million dollars, "dirty dances" earned 170 million, and at the same time they received an Oscar for the song "I'Ve Had The Time of My Life".

To the 30th anniversary of

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