From Jared Padaleki to Taylor Lautner: 12 Hollywood beauties deprived by acting talent


Liam Hemsworth

Few people will argue with the fact that Liam Hemsworth is very good, however, like his older brother. But, unlike all the favorite Torah, the gale from the "hungry games" strict critics could not conquer. In his acting talent, doubtively doubt, and after he woke up with Miley Cyrus began to doubt in mental health, but Liam did not give up and continues to storm Hollywood with her cute face.

Jamie Danan.

Jamie Danan landed to the trap, who for him kindly left Charlie Hannem, abandoning the role of the role in the film "Fifty shades of gray." After Dannan reincarnated in Christian Graya, many gorgeous cross on his acting career, accusing not only in a bad game, but also in the absence of sexual magnetism. His wife, most likely, does not agree with this statement, but, of course, glad that her spouse could not conquer the hearts of all women of the world with their piercing game in Passion with Dakota Johnson.

Stephen Amell

Canadian actor Stephen Amell broke into the maiden minds after the role in the series "Arrow", but he could not conquer criticism with his rich facial expression. It is quite difficult to blame Stephen for the fact that people are increasingly looking at his pumped out torso than on his acting game, but if you carefully look at the upper part of the Amella's body, then you can see the audit actor. Although, if he just stands and illuminate the room with its beauty, many will be satisfied.

Scott Eastwood

Scott Ostivat considered that the kinship with the famous cowboy is quite enough for the conquest of Hollywood, but was mistaken. Unfortunately, the talent was dumbfounded in this family only Pope Clint, but Scott is still satisfied with only roles in militants, where his acting talent evaluate no one. It is impossible to deny that the son of the clint is ided very cute, but, alas, in our time this is not enough to be considered a good and strong actor.

Jai Courtney

Jay Courtney can already be called a black mark of almost any film. Each second project (if not the first), in which this pumped and attractive actor takes part, falls at the box office and seeks critics. I don't want to blame the joy himself for participating in the projects of the type "Terminator: Genesis", "Divergent", "untarled" or "suicide squirrel", since a lot of other helped to urge these films in the box office, but also Courtney, actually nobody in them force did not pull. We will agree that let him better shove with his muscles and leave serious roles for other actors.

Jared Padalekia

This smiling and cute "supernatural" already won the army of fans around the world, but he did not add to the acting talent. Critics agree that he is not so difficult to play 10 years old, but he still does not seek to greater jared. The camera loves him, no doubt, but the teachers in the acting schools would set him "not".

Wine Diesel

The Model and Paphos of Wine Diesel will envy any, but he himself cannot boast of acting talent "from God." Recall the pictures in which Diesel took part? "Three Iksa", "Fast and Furious", "Riddick" - all these militants do not reveal the wines as an actor. Moreover, insiders constantly talk about his bad character that he does not add points to him. But it is worth paying the guilt of a diesel, it turned up once well - so that still retains a decent appearance.

Zac Efron

Zac Efron is so bad actor that it even became his business card. I became popular after the children's "class musicals", Efron immediately jumped on the racing express Hollywood Glory. Under this topic, the actor immediately began to change his face from plastic surgeons, go to the gym and starved in different comedies. Basically, Zaka can be seen in the vulgar comedies with jokes "below the belt" that you simply can not be appreciated, but we can appreciate the esphon itself above the belt, and then he gets a solid five.

Ashton Kutcher

The former spouse Demi Moore and the current spouse Mila Kunis boasts the Greater filmography, which, mostly consists of comedies. Ashton and started his career in the form of a comedian, but once, for some reason, I followed the image of Steve Jobs, and I struck everyone out ... With my bad acting game. Jobs turned out to be too fed and tedious in his performance, and Ashton could only wish to return to the comedies in which it looks more than organically.

Paul Walker

Fearing to seem too cynical, the editors of ScreenRant (and we including) noted that the loss of Paul Walker became undoubtedly painful for the film. He was incredibly pleasant, but the actor with a capital letter it is impossible to call it. He played, honestly, it's bad that it was completely compensated by his excellent figure and a beautiful face. Critics note that Walker was the most good when he did not try to play anyone, but was simply himself.

Orlando Bloom

One of the most beautiful elves in the entire history of cinema in fact did not conquer critics with his game. It is worth noting that Orlando Bloom is much more likely to appear in the news due to his personal life than in connection with new projects. Basic Bloom is removed in the passing patterns, and his skills as an actor leaves much to be desirable, despite his studies in the British-American Academy of Dramatic Art. Do you remember at least one film with this handsome, where did you fight the game? So we can not.

Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lotter Edition ScreenRant recognized the worst actor throughout the list. Its popularity has achieved incredible heights after participating in the twilight franchise, but in the acting education, Lautner did not in a hurry, agreeing on roles in other projects. As a result, Taylor is now, although it remains a star, we do not see it in good films. Sometime Lautner conquered everyone with his torso and loyal Belle, but then he threw the hall, and it became not at all what. Now he, of course, took himself in his hands and came into shape, but his fans had already grown and interested in completely other men.

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