Chris Evans will leave the film marvel after "Avengers: the infinity war"


Evans's Evans's contract is designed for six films, and "Avengers 3" will be just the sixth ribbon - so the actor after the completion of the "war of infinity" has all the rights to quietly leave the film, unless, of course, the studio will not persuade him to extend the contract. Evans himself, however, until he was seriously abandoned by the role of Captain America, especially since, according to his own words, preparations for this role, very large physical exertion and international promotional tours in support of MCU films, it truly exhaust.

According to one of the versions corresponding to, by the way, the Canon in comics, the Shield of the Captain America from Steve Rogers will go to Baku Barnes / Ex-Winter Soldier, whose role in the filmmoven Marvel performs Sebastian Stan (his hero has already managed to hold on to the shield in the cut scene from "First avenger: confrontation"). Cap the same, according to rumors, in general donate in the battle with Tanos, giving the hero of Evans heroic funeral.

"Avengers: War of Infinity" will appear on cinema screens in May 2018, and after them, in May 2019, "Avengers 4" will be released on the screens.

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