Polina Gagarin told how she lost weight after second genera


And the Gagarin decided to share how she managed to come so quickly into shape. She told that she was left to lose another 3 kg to be in ideal weight for her - 53 kg. "I had an agreement with my doctor - not to talk about my weight. She mile up me silently, I closed my eyes, she fixed everything in the map and we diverged. In the maternity hospital, I entered 78.5 weighing. After giving birth, I got up for the scales only after a week and a half - 64.5 "- tells Gagarin.

The singer added that the most complex weight loss accounted for breastfeeding. Two weeks after the birth, the singer decided to start performances than a lot surprised fans. The star also told about her diet. "It looks like this: the morning is a carbohydrate, preferably porridge, to digest the day for a long time, the day is a protein with a fiber, evening - again the protein. What is important! Be sure to observe the intervals between meals and do not overeat, there are so many in one portion as well as fit in the palm, that is, in small portions. The main principle is not to stay hungry if you want to eat (just like this) - snack with chicken or, for example, a protein without a yolk. "

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