10 stars, which were banned from entering other countries


Lady Gaga - China

10 stars, which were banned from entering other countries 71163_1

Justin Bieber is far from the only singer who does not favor the Chinese government. Lady Gaga also fell into the "black list", however, for a different reason - after in 2016 the singer met with Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. After this meeting, Music Lady Gaga disappeared from China's cutting services, and the singer himself brought to the list of foreign aggressors.

Chris Brown - United Kingdom and Australia

10 stars, which were banned from entering other countries 71163_2

Chris Brown is equally known and as a hip-hop performer, and as an ex-boyfriend Rihanna, a novel with which for the singer ended with beatings. It is because of cruelty and manual attribution that Brown allowed himself against Rihanna, he was banned from entering the UK in 2011, and in 2015 - to Australia. The ban remains in strength to this day.

Martha Stewart - United Kingdom

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TV presenter and writer Marta Stuart not the first year proves that no commercial success in the United States does not bother anyone - even a few months of imprisonment. Although the scandal with fraud broke out at the beginning of two thousandths, and he spent several months behind the bars at the end of 2014, the UK only in 2008 refused the TV presenter in a visa - and since then to visit the foggy Albion Stewart could not.

Brad Pitt - China

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From the hundreds of countries of the world, China in relation to American celebrities is rapid much more than others. Even Brad Pitt, the most famous actor and an active public figure, entry into China was banned - as in the case of Lady Gaga, due to the intense relations of China with Tibet. Unlike the singer, however, the actor in order to attract the negative attention of the Chinese authorities, was enough to play in the Drama "Seven years in Tibet".

Martin Scorsese - China

10 stars, which were banned from entering other countries 71163_5

According to a similar reason, the legendary film director Martin Scorsese is injured. Back in 1997, he removed the film "Kundun", which, according to Chinese authorities, showed the life of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama in an excessive positive world. For this, the speeding was denied entry into China, and for life and no chance of revising this decision. And Kundong, meanwhile, in 1998 received 4 nominations for Oscar.

Miley Cyrus - China

10 stars, which were banned from entering other countries 71163_6

If Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt and Martin Scorsese turned out to be "under the ban" in China because of politics, then Miley Cyrus - because of a stupid joke. A long time ago, Miley posted a photo in the social network, on which the singer and her friends will pushe eyes, parodying natives of East Asia. In China, the joke did not appreciate the joke, banning Miley entrance to the territory of the country, in order to stop her attempts to "pollute the minds of children with their American ignorance."

Alec Baldwin - Philippines

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The stupid joke was led by the famous actor Aleka Baldwin, which in 2009 on the show of David Letterman joked that after numerous unsuccessful novels, the most logical output for him is to "order" a "bride by mail" with the Philippines. This joking statement turned out to be enough for Alek Baldwin to forbidden entry into the Philippines.

Harrison Ford - China

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The legend of the "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones", unlike other representatives of this list, showed a very active position regarding the problem of China-Tibet - for which it is deprived of the right to enter China since the beginning of the nineties. For a very long time, Harrison Ford publicly supported the independent status of Tibet and openly criticized the US government for violation of human rights in the region.

Beyonce - Malaysia

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It turns out that even a pop queen Beyonce, which, without exaggeration, hundreds of millions of people around the world, may arise problems with local authorities. In 2007, Beyonce first postponed, and then was forced to cancel the speech in Malaysia at all because of the ban on entering the country. The base was the complaints of the local Islamic party to the fact that both the concert wardrobe Beyonce, and her dance numbers were too frank.

Paris Hilton - Japan

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Now Paris Hilton successfully combines the responsibilities of a business woman and fashionable DJ, at the same time being in happy and stable relationships with actor Chris Zilka. But a few years ago, Paris was much more violent - with the result that the secular lioness and lost the right to enter Japan. It happened in 2010, a few days after Paris was recognized as guilty of storing cocaine. If at home, in the United States, in popularity, Hilton did not affect the popularity, then I could not come to Japan Paris, since there are strict immigration laws of the country forbade entry into Japan those who were previously accused of drug-related crimes.

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