Movie Review News: What movies will be released in May 2017


Film Premiere 4 May 2017

"Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"

Actors: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldan, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillan, Dave Batista, Pom Clementeff

Roles voiced: Win Diesel

All Assembly: Earthman Peter Quill (also known as Star Lord), silent threshing Drax, green-skinned vein gamora, a living tree of cotton and talking raccoon (especially raccoon!) Rocket. Heroes do not change themselves and with enviable regularity continue to fall into unthinkable situations, released from them almost without prejudice (and sometimes even with benefit) for others. This time they have to reveal one of the most important secrets throughout the Galaxy: who really is Peter Quille's father?

Age limit: 16+

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Russian comedy "Bachelor party"

Actors: Dolph Lundgren, Vladimir Sychev, Karina Zvereva, Denis Vasilyev, Sophia Donianz, Ruslan Yagudin, Anna Dianova

Artem is a super successful manager who has just achieved himself. A few days before the wedding, he learns that he changed him the bride. But the bachelor party in the hot country is already paid, and will be held on excellent.

Age limit: 18+

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French melodrama "Love and passion. Dalida

Actors: Vensen Perez, Riccardo Skamarchio, Niels Schneider, Nicolas Duzochl, Mikael Cohen, Jean-Paul Ruve, Swen Alviti

She was born to become a star. She possessed magic beauty and an incredible voice. She broke into the musical Olympus and took possession of the hearts of the whole world. But glory and money did not bring her happiness. All his life, she was looking for true love and sacrificed it all

Age limit: 16+

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Premiere of films 11 May 2017

Fantasy "Sword King Arthur"

Actors: Charlie Hannem, Jude Lowe, Eric Bana, Annabelle Wallis, Poppy Melievin, Astrid Berge-Frisby, Hermione Corfield, Milli Brady

The plot of the film tells about young arthur, which is stupid on the outskirts of Londonium with his gang. His origin, he does not value at all and is not interested. So he lives until the moment the fate leads him to the magic sword of Eccalibur. After that, Arthur changes dramatically. He falls in love, joins the movement of resistance and unites people around him in order to overthrow Tirana Vortighema, who killed Parents Arthur and who captured the throne.

Age limit: 12+

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Mystical Thriller "Voice from Stone"

Actors: Emilia Clark, Marton Chokash, Katerina Murino, Kate Linder, Lisa Gastoni, Remo Djirone

Nurse Verneu hired to care for the boy who stopped talking after the death of the mother. It turns out that he gave a vow of silence until the spirit of the mother returns. The girl arrives in an old mansion where 40-year-old Widovers Claus and a few servants live. Soon, Rynes begins to suspect that the ghost of the dead plays with her in the cat-mouse to fit into her body. The attraction that emerged between the owner and nurse, developing into a genuine passion, speeds up an incredible junction ...

Age limit: 18+

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Comedy "Sex-trip"

Actors: Jade Ramsey, Luis Mandilor, Mark Campton, Charlotte Ellen Price

Eddie is a successful seducing specialist. He is the author of popular books and generally the guy at least where. Once Eddie meets on Staruhu-Podroshka Street. Having negligence to refuse her in a kiss, he turns out to be damned. Waking up the next morning, Adam realizes that the most incredible thing happened to him - he became a sexy girl.

Age limit: 16+

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Comedy "Daughter and her mother"

Actors: Amy Sumer, Ayk Barnhalts, Goldi Houn, Christopher Meloni, Randoll Park, Wanda Sykes

A young woman, which was throwing her boyfriend on the eve of vacation, takes his mother on a trip to South America. There they are waiting for a crazy adventure with the abduction, the main characters will not only be survived in the jungle, but also find a common language among themselves.

Age limit 16+

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Melodrama "Paris will wait"

Actors: Diane Lane, Alec Baldwin, Arno Viard, Cedric Monna

Ann - at the crossroads of life. A long marriage with a successful, energetic, but extremely inattentive to his wife a film producer did not bring her happiness. Ann suddenly finds himself, going from Cannes to Paris in a car with a business partner of his husband. Some seven hours of riding turn into a carefree two-day adventure, filled with rods to the picturesque attractions, sophisticated food and wine, humor, penetration and romantics, awakening Anna to a new life.

Age limit: 12+

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Premieres of films 18 May 2017

Fantastic thriller "Alien: Covenant"

Actors: Michael Fasbender, Catherine Waterstone, Callie Hernandez, James Franco

The surviving team members "Prometheus" Elizabeth and Android David took the first step towards the rays of the secrets of engineers. Now it's time to find out the rest of the truth that is covered in the native planet of whiten giants - paradise.

Age limit 16+

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French comedy "1 + Everest"

Actors: Moussa Maskrey, Slak Nita Ufella, Johen Chaegele, Nicholas Vanshyatsky, Jean dell, Johannes Oliver Hamm, Alice Belayidi, Ahmed Silla, Tifegen Zhrano, Kiran Charles

The simplest guy from the suburbs, without having any special skills, decides to conquer Everest to prove his love.

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Premieres of films 25 May 2017

"Pirates of the Caribbean: the dead do not tell fairy tales"

Actors: Johnny Depp, Javier Bardem, Kaya Skodelario, Jeffrey Rush, Mackenzie Kruk, Robbie Kay, Stephen Graham, Martin Klebba, Orlando Bloom, Brenton Tuits, David Wenam, Paul McCartney

Captain Jack Sparrow again in business! The adventures of free marine robbers acquire a new scope and become even more exciting. This time, pirates are hunting for the mythical trident of Poseidon, with which you can control the waters of all the seas of the Earth, and opposes them a new powerful villain - the sworn enemy of Jack Sparrow Captain Salazar.

Age limit: 16+

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