International Day cats: remember the most famous cattle cattle


Perhaps the most famous filmot is Garfield. The American comedy based on the comic books of Jim Davis went to the screens in 2004 and immediately conquered the audience. The plot of the film tells about the fat and lazy garfield cat, which leads a strange friendship with the mouse named Louis. Garfield is a real magnet for trouble and the source of the main jokes in the whole film.

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About the eternal confrontation of cats and dogs thought the creators of the same film, which was released in 2001. The film tells about the secret war, which cats and dogs are leading, where cats appear in front of the audience, cunning, insidious and calculating creatures, which they are considered in the world. Continuation of the film called "" Cats against Dogs: The revenge of Kitty Galor "came out in 2010 and, just like the first part, completely paid off at the box office.

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The favorite Pet of Dr. Evil could not not get into our list of the most popular film films. The bald cat named Mr. Bigglesworth accompanied the main villain in the series "Austin Powers" and was the most favorite creature for Dr. Evil. Initially, it was a Persian white cat, which is a reference to the cat from the films about James Bond, but as a result of the incident, lost his wool and became Lysis. In the cinema, of course, no one shaved cats and offended. After the "incident", the Sphinx breed cat took the role.

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As for serial cats, our heart is unconditionally delivered to Salem from Sabrina - a small witches. " His share had a huge number of funny quotes and comical situations. The cynical character of the saler is explained by his biography. In the past, he was a man and tried to seize the world, for which he was sentenced to a hundred years of cat life. Despite the ulcer, he is kind and responsive friend - just as we represent the cats.

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Hippo Cat from "Masters and Margarita" is one of the most mysterious literary and film processions. According to the plot, Hippo is an assistant to Voland, which can take as a man's image and the image of a large black cat. It is this cat that the famous phrase "Verify, Queen, will I allow myself to pour a lady vodka? This is pure alcohol! " If the cats could pour alcohol, in the world of strong and lonely women would be more pets, as it seems to us.

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The cat volume of the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" for most of us was the first cartoon cat. We worried about him, despite the fact that he tried to catch a little jerry. Each trick of the tricky mouse turned around for Tom a real test, but how many laughter gave us this animated series - and not remember!

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Do not forget about women-cats from the Universe DC, which are not real animals, but attention was caught not less. Initially, the cat cat was superstooth in comics, but later became a separate heroine. In the cinema, this image was embodied by three Hollywood actresses: Michelle Pfaiffer, Holly Berry and Ann Hathaway. In the TV series "Gotham" there is also a cat woman, a young actress Curen Biccondov played her, and in the animation film "Batman. Year of the first "cat tells Eliza's voice.

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