The list of actors "Avengers 4" Marvel hit the network


This is primarily important because Anthony and Joe Rousseau, the director "Avengers: the war of infinity," and together with them the head of Marvel Kevin Faigi and a couple of MCU stars have already hinted on the fact that in the "Avengers 3" rates allegedly will be so high That one cannot exclude the death of someone from the main characters. Judging by the list, in the "Infinity War", all major stars Marvel will return to the "war of infinity", and the only exception is Tom Holland, playing a man-spider. It is quite likely that the list is not yet full, but in the trailer, which appeared on the network after Comicon, despite its extremely low quality, it was indeed possible to see something very similar to the scene of death (or at least serious damage) of a spiderman .

But there is also a pleasant news: judging by the list of actors, as expected, in the "Avengers of 4", the viewers will show Captain Marvel in the performance of Brie Larson. In addition, Samuel L. Jackson will finally return to the role of Nick Fury.

The list of those who will take part in the filming of "Avengers 4" - if, of course, believing information that appears on the network, it looks like this:

Chris Hemsworth

Josh Brolin

Chris Prett, Zoe Saldan, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Win Diesel, Dave Batista

Sebastian Stan.

Scarlett Johansson

Benedict Cumberbatch

Bree Larson

Jeremy Renner

Chris Evans

Elizabeth Olsen

Samuel L. Jackson

Paul Rudd

Benedict Wong

Paul Bettany

Schadvik Bowzman, Danaj Gurir

Mark Ruffalo

Robert Downey Jr

Peter Dinkladj

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