Why "Miracle Woman" deserves Oscar


Four years ago, when the "man of steel" came out, the "face" of Dceu (like Robert Downey Jr. / Iron Man in MCU) was to become Henry Cavill with his superman - but it did not work. In 2016, when the "Batman against Superman" came out, Dceu's main hero was able to Affleck's main character at the "honorable post" - but we all remember how it ended. And now, finally, the DCEU fans waited for the hero, whom the film deserved deserved - a wonderful woman performed by Gadot Gal.


Everyone is perfectly known that popular, mainstream films - not to mention superhero blockbusters - extremely rarely gaining attention from Oscar. The only film in this genre, how many closest to the nomination for Oscar in the category "The Best Movie", became at one time the "Dark Knight" Christopher Nolana. According to rumors, it was after the "Dark Knight" did not receive a nomination, the US Film Academy expanded the number of films that are nominated in the main category - if earlier than 5 paintings fought for Oscar in the category "Best Movie" category, now - 10.

And thanks to an enlarged quota, and due to a number of other factors at the Miracle Women really there are chances to fight for Oscar - and we understand why.

"Glass ceiling" and pressure of the public


"Miracle Woman" - a record holder, which side do not look: this is the first high-budget superhero blockbuster with a woman in the lead role and, at the same time, the most cash film ever shot by a woman-director. It is these two factors that will play a crucial role when members of the film academy will vote for potential nominees.

After a series of scandals, during which Oscar was accused of almost in racism and a variety of discrimination, the composition of the US Film Academy participants was significantly expanded. This is a sign that the film academy is now much more than before, responds to the opinion of society (someone can even say that it is inclined under pressure from this society).


The "backstage policy" of the Oscar itself can also undergo changes in this background - and the nomination "Wonder Women" can become a direct consequence, such a direct and obvious message for ready to criticize everything and the whole public in the style of "Look, now Oscar supports Films shot by women for women with women as highlights! ".

In the film industry, where, in recent times, actresses are increasingly publicly accused Hollywood in the inequality of fees and, despite 2017 and long ago, the XXI century, disgusting attitude towards women, the nomination "Women" on Oscar will be considered by the public as a triumph as Some victory over the "glass ceiling", albeit purely symbolic. But ignoring the "Miracle Women" is fraught with another wave of "People's Wross", and this time - by the side of the dozens of Hollywood stars (and, first of all, it is actresses), who openly admired the film and Gadot's film in it.

"Best Director"

Only 4 women in the 90th anniversary of the film Academy received a nomination in the category "Best Director", and Warner Bros., of course, will play this card when the "Miracle Women" director will be promoted to Oscar, Patty Jenkins.


On the high chances of the "Wonder Women" in the Oscar race also say insiders: Edition The Hollywood Reporter quoted at once two members of the US Film Academy (wished, of course, to remain anonymous) and both claim that it is easy to ignore the "Wonder Woman" of the Film Academy succeed. Moreover, the "miracle-woman" managed to prove - films shot by women and with women in high roles can collect excellent cashier, quite comparable to cash collectors of much more traditional blockbusters with men in high roles.

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