Nikolai Koster Valdau commented on the fate of Jamie Lanner after the "war trophies"


In the "Trophops of War", Jamie Lannister met Face to face with Daeneris Targaryen, and, of course, no good meeting with the mother of the Dragons did not end. In a brief comment visit Entertainment Weekly, the actor, first of all, expressed sympathy for the soldiers of his hero - although he himself believes that Deeneris as the ruler of Westerosa is the option where is better than Lannisters.

"Although Deeneris is a heroine, and Lannisians - villains, burning alive - it's not cool at all," says Koster Waldau. "This is truly terribly - when the fire monster exterminates thousands and thousands of people who, in fact, simply perform their work."

In the final of the Series, Jamie is trying to attack Deeneris, and Bonfire-Waldau commented on this reckless decision of his hero as:

"Jamie is such an idiot that for a second he really thinks something like" if it succeeds, I will win the victory instantly. "

Of course, the actor did not openly talk about whether Jamie survived or really died. But even before that, in one of the interviews, Koster Waldau hinted on the tragic ending for his hero: "No good for Jamie Lanner will not end all this."

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