"Filmfish.Info" will hold a press show of the comedy militant "Killer's bodyguard"


The film "Killer's bodyguard" will tell the history of the hired killer aged. At sunset, he decides to testify against his former employers. Therefore, he needs to ensure professional security. In the years, he himself could cope with this, but now he has to hire a bodyguard. Together they have to go through harsh tests and, perhaps, to gain a real friendship.

Press display details

Date: 16.08

Time: 19:00

Film: "Killer's bodyguard"

Event: Press Show

Venue: Kinologist "Moscow"

Organizer: "FilmFisha. INFO" / "MEGOGO DISTRIBUTION"

Contacts: [email protected].

Region: St. Petersburg

Date: 16.08

Time: 16:00

Film: "Killer's bodyguard"

Event: Press Show

Venue: Cinema 5 cinema

Organizer: "FilmFisha. INFO" / "MEGOGO DISTRIBUTION"

Contacts: [email protected].

Region: Kazan.

Date: 16.08

Time: 16:00

Film: "Killer's bodyguard"

Event: Press Show

Venue: Cinema 5 cinema

Organizer: "FilmFisha. INFO" / "MEGOGO DISTRIBUTION"

Contacts: [email protected].

Region: Ufa

Date: 16.08

Time: 18:30

Film: "Killer's bodyguard"

Event: Speckaz

Venue: Cinema Cinema Park Fantasy

Organizer: "FilmFisha. INFO" / "MEGOGO DISTRIBUTION"

Contacts: [email protected].

Region: Nizhny Novgorod

Date: 16.08

Time: 18:00

Film: "Killer's bodyguard"

Event: Press Show

Venue: Cinema Cinema

Organizer: "FilmFisha. INFO" / "MEGOGO DISTRIBUTION"

Contacts: [email protected].

Region: Samara

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