Oscar -2017 in numbers: "Onions" for 10 million, statuette for 700 dollars and other interesting facts


42.8 million dollars - So much in the amount of "worth" Oscar ceremony itself -2017

30,000 dollars - The cost of the red carpet, the area of ​​which is 1530 square meters

696 dollars - The cost of the statuette that is covered with 24-carat gold

300 thousand dollars - In this amount of the film academy, sending copies of contenders' films to "Oscar" to their participants who vote for nominees

10 million dollars - In this amount, the actress "First Echelon" costs an ensemble for Oscar (including dress, shoes, accessories and decorations). Of course, most of the amount compensate for brands that provide actresses of dresses and decorations "hire". Fashionable "Lukee" of most guests are about $ 1.5 million, the beginners of the same wardrobe for Oscar cost an average of 266 thousand dollars.

15 thousand dollars - The fee Jimmy Kimmel, who this year will lead the Oscar ceremony

130 million dollars - So much Oscar ceremony annually brings Los Angeles budget

119 800 dollars - the price of the party after Oscar, which is organized by the Vanity Fair (this is the most prestigious AftePati from all possible)

21 year Passed since Mel Gibson received his nomination for Oscar last time (he struggled for Oscar in the category "Best Director" for the film "Brave Heart")

26 nominations Received this year the films of the studio Lionsgate, which is a record. In second place on the total number of nominations - Paramount Studio films (18).

47 million dollars - Budget of the "dear" nominee for Oscar in the category "Best Film", "Arrival" with Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner. In second place - "For reasons of conscience", Mela Gibson with a budget of 40 million dollars. The most "cheap" nominee for Oscar in the category "Best Film" - "Moonlight" with a budget of 5 million.

3. "It is just like this in the account of the original musical that I managed to conquer the nomination for Oscar in the category" The Best Movie ", became" La La Land ". Prior to that, this was the "all this jazz" in 1979 and "raise anchors" in the distant 1945.

225. - In such a number of countries will show "Oscar" 2017

2.1 million dollars - So much is worth showing a 30-second commercial during the Oscar (58% cheaper than advertising on the Super Cup)

34.4 million people We looked at Oscar in 2016 - this is the worst result since 2008

Budget, cash receipses and rating on Rotten Tomatoes of all nominees on Oscar -2017 in the category "Best Movie":

Oscar -2017 in numbers:

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