Showranner "Sherlock" commented on the chances of the appearance of the 5th season


Not so long ago, we remind, starring in Sherlock in the role of Moriarty Andrew Scott hinted that the 5 seasons can be expected not earlier than in 2 years, following Mark Gathissa, he said that 2 years is at best, in fact, The emergence of new series "Sherlock" can be held even more time.

This is what Deadline has been said in an interview on Comic CON 2017 Stephen Moffat:

"At the moment we, honestly, do not know if we will shoot another season. I kind of assumed that someday we will be gathered again, but I have not yet had time to think about Sherlock, and, of course, Mark is also very busy near other projects, including the "Doctor Who". So we did not have time to sit and think about what we want to do with the 5th season. "

"We all love" Sherlock. " No one is opposed to take another season. No one is removed in Sherlock only because it is obliged. Everyone could do well and without Sherlock, so that the only reason we continue to shoot it is that we really like to do it. "

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