News of serials with Comic CON 2017: "Theory of the Big Explosion", "hundred", "Volchonok", "Strank" and others


On Comic Con, guests showed the first episode of the 3 seasons of "Strank", which starts on the air on September 10, 2017. In the network, he, of course, did not fall, so that we still have to be content with a trailer and an interview with Castom - Shuustner "Strankranki" has already promised that The new season will become "coup" in the history of characters. But thanks to Comic CON 2017, we know that at the very end of the first season 3 of the season will be shown the birth of the daughter of Claire and Jamie.

Interview with Caste "Strankranki":

Official trailer for 3 seasons:

Interview with the caster of the series "Stammer", which on Comic Con for the last time - recently launched on the air of the 4th season "Stamma" will become the last. In the interview, they promised "cool and unexpected" final, which - in general, expected - not all the characters will survive.

Cast "Volconka", too, for the last time on Comic Con - the series will return to the ether with the final ten episodes on July 30.

Trailer for final episodes "Volconka" with SDCC:

Interview with custom series "hundred", which turned out that the ship shown in the final of the 4th season - from the ground, from time to the apocalypse, the ship's crew was immersed in a hundred years old and now returns to the planet, which has changed beyond recognition . In addition, in the season 5, we are waiting for the continuation of Flashforward (event "Jump" to the future for 6 years). Premiere - in 2018.

New teaser:

Presentation of the "Big Explosion Theory" on Comic CON 2017 (Premiere of the 11th season - September 25, the Season 12 will be the last). The stars of the series admitted that they cried together when in the final of the 10th season Sheldon made an offer to Amy.

New trailer "Preacher" with Comic CON 2017:

A source

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