The series "Ancient" will be closed after the 5th season


"I'm going to Comic Con, realizing that it was exactly a year since we announced the end of the Vampire Diaries. It seems suitable to use this anniversary to make another farewell announcement. This year we invite you along with us to say goodbye to the "ancients", the fifth and last season of which we will start shooting on Monday, "says the announcement of Plek.

Also Showranner added that, since the main characters of the "ancients" are immortal, perhaps the farewell to the audience with loved characters will not be final. Perhaps the pucks really did not just try the audience - in an interview with the Vampire Diaries' final in the spring of this year, Showranner has already mentioned that she has an idea for the second spin-off, this time - dedicated to Caroline (Candice King). Not so long ago it became known that Caroline will appear in the 5th season of the "Ancients" - may thus the scripts "prepare the soil" for its individual spin-off.

Anyway, a little more about the fate of the "Ancients" we learn this weekend on Comic CON, where we must declare the date of the premiere of the 5th season.

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