Stars "Games of Thrones" talked about their attitude to spoilers


"Me, like all of us, all this is angry," Keith Harington is recognized. "Especially if the spoilers merge the editions from which I was waiting for more. But nothing can be done: For some reason, people like to spoil the impression from viewing for the rest, and I only hope that most of these spoilers do not read. "

Aidan Gillen, who played by Petira Badylis, because of the spoilers began to be much more careful to treat what he himself says: "I never say anything to anyone - even my closest friends and relatives. I come to this very seriously. Well, perhaps, this is my inner Baleish. "

Gwendolin Christie got used to keep secrets not only in the "Game of Thrones", but also in the Star Wars, but at the same time understands those who want to know what will happen in the series, even before the release of new episodes. "So our world is arranged that people are incredibly interested in what is happening in the series. Personally, I like surprises, there is something from the sincere joy of the child - to see something that you did not expect anything. The string of the serials and movies protect against spoilers, the better, but I understand that someone wants to know everything as early as possible. "

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