15 actors who could play James Bond, but something went wrong


Hugh grant

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A rather strange candidate for the role of James Bond, isn't it? However, one time was rumored that Hugh can become the following 007. The only thing that his own character relates to this character is British origin, but fortunately, a grant candidacy has never been considered seriously. Hugh is an excellent actor, that's just his horse, it is comedy roles. In the 90s and 2000, he actively supported the image of the ladies, which could also be suitable for the role of James Bond, but the grant himself had always treated his characters frightly, whatever bosses and creators of Bondiana obviously did not suffer.

Dominic West

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The star of the series "Lovers" could be James Bond immediately after the pier of Rusan, especially since he has all the data for this. The actor was embarrassed by the disinformation that Brosno returns to his role, which the media wrote in 2005. But in 2006, the "Casino Piano", and Dominic sees that another Briton turned out to be in the lead role, Daniel Craig. West is not included in the list of top Hollywood actors, but it is impossible to call his career too. Soon the Dominica can be seen in the remake of Lara Croft in the role of the father of the main heroine.

Liam Nison

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Career Liam Nison may envy any fan of militants and thrillers. However, in the distant 1994th, he had a chance to become the next agent 007. Then the actor replied: "Thank you, but I do not want to act in the militants." And now, it seems, this is all what Nison is removed. But then after the "Schindler list" Liam wanted to play very different roles, so he strongly abandoned the role of Bond. It would be interesting to look at Liam as an agent of British intelligence, because he has a big charm and, as we now know, very organically fits into all sorts of chase and investigations.

Jude Law

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This is how much of the British actors is difficult to imagine the role of James Bond, so it's Jude Low. At least because of its growth. But the game of Low in the film "Damned Way" could give hope for an interesting bond in his performance. Probably, Jude would be good for the role of Bondian's villain, but the franchise producers have never seriously considered his candidacy, and it is strange. Low's popularity began to grow just at the moment when Pierce Brosnan left the post of agent 007, and charismatic Jude could be a good competitor in the struggle for the role. Probably rivals were too much.

Clint Eastwood

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But the clint is Istoda, as well as Liam Nison, was indeed invited to the role of Bond - and in the 70s. However, he himself rejected the proposal of producers, as it believed that this character should be only a British. Then the film studio has not yet been very frozen on the origin of James Bond, but now the role will not be exactly offered to an actor who does not have a charming British accent. Instead of Istuding, Roger Moore was invited to the role, who became one of the best bonds in history. In May 2017, Moore died at the age of 89.

Mel Gibson

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Who knows how the story of Bondiana would have begun if the next Bond was Mel Gibson. It is possible that Gibson himself would have written scenarios to all films, and Agent 007 would be brutally tortured in every franchise film. As a result, Gibson with his head could take away the entire franchise to himself and play it so far. Jokes jokes, and chalk really offered the role of Bond, but the general producer of the paintings by Albert Broccoli rejected his candidacy, because Gibson was not Englishman. It is worth noting that earlier that this producer was named by the role of Clint Istud, Berta Reynolds and Adam West, not embarrassed by their American origin.

Sam Neil

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Neil is an unlikely candidate for the role of James Bond, but by the time of casting he had extensive experience in spyware. Unfortunately for Sam, the producers found Timothy Dalton, who became the next 007 agent, and about Nile's candidacy quickly forgotten. Unfortunately for a film studio, Dalton became one of the most unpopular bonds. At that time, the Nile would be the most successful candidate for the role, since he had previously worked with Martin Campbell, who removed the most popular franchise films - "Casino Piano" and "Golden Eye".

Henry Cavill

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To present Superman in the role of James Bond is now difficult, but if Henry had not become a new face of the DC Universe, he could well qualify for the role of a British spy. In the distance, 2005, when the studio was looking for a replacement of Pierce to bend, each rumor about a possible candidate for his role was acute. Director Martin Campbell believed Caville the most successful candidate for the role of James Bond, but then Henry was only 22 years old, and the studio did not want to see such a young agent. As a result, the role was departed by Daniel Craigu, and Henry we will soon see in the "League of Justice".

Richard Berton

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For Richard Berton, producers ran longest. Three times he was offered the role of James Bond (in 1959, 1961 and 1968), but every time Burton denied them. And although Richard understood that Bondian would bring him not only world glory, but also an impressive fee, he still did not want to become part of the franchise. Berton did not sit without a business, he had time to play in Cleopatra, Becket and Taming Skropiva, and entered the story as a wonderful actor who received two Golden Globes.

Idris Elba

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Idris Elbe now has to listen to a lot of indignation of the fans of the "Dark Tower" for the fact that the color of his skin does not correspond to the description of the chief hero declared by Stephen King. Therefore, it may well, that this British did not become new James Bond. Idris would be too controversial about the role, but there was no doubt that his charisma would allow him to win the hearts of Bondian fans. Yang Fleming, the author of books about Bond, repeatedly emphasized that his hero is white (however, like King, but it did not prevent Idris to the role of an arrow in the "Dark Tower"), so the elba candidacy had to be revealed.

Julian McMahon

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A handsome demon of the "enchanted" Julian McMahon tried to become a new James Bond, but Casting could not pass until the end. Julian - Australian and is well depicting the British accent (Australian English is much closer to British than to American). The film producers rated McMahon samples, but in the end they stopped at Craig. Unfortunately for Australian, now he does not shine on the screen, interrupting the roles in small films and TV shows.

Clive Owen

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Clive Owen is probably now biting elbows that once, in 2005, he refused the role of James Bond. The cause of refusal was the fee, which was requested by an actor. The studio was unable to pull Owen's appetites, but I purchased a beautiful bond in the face of Craig. Even during the casting, the film crew believed that it was Clive who was ideally suited for a description of the 007 agent from the books of Fleming.

Susan Hayyord

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Of course, no one would consider a woman for the role of Bond, but if someone had occurred to make a female version of the film (it is better not to show this article to the creators of the female remorse "Ghost hunters"), then the main role would undoubtedly call Susan Hayward. Writer Bondians Lorenzo Temple Jr. declared that he was very inspired by Susan, but the Bond character is somehow not very. Of course, no one invited a woman to the role of agent 007, and the next Bond became Sean Connery.

Rife Fayns

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This actor in the presentation, of course, does not need. In his filmography, many top projects and a variety of roles, but he tried twice for the role of James Bond (in 1994 and 2004) and both times received a refusal. He was preferred at first the pier of the village, and then Daniel Craig. Fayns eventually got a role in Bondian ("007: Spectrum"), not the main thing, but also not bad.

Michael Kane

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It is not known that the producers of Bondians saw Kane in Michael, but he was considered to the role of Bond immediately after Sean Connery. Now no one knows why Kane has not become a 007 agent, but wrote that the actor himself refused to such an honorable offer. Kane did not want to play typical spy films, trying to stay in a diverse actor and try himself in something new.

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